●MAX9924U 传感器,可变磁阻 接口 评估板
Maxim Integrated(美信)
23 页 / 0.33 MByte
Maxim Integrated(美信)
1 页 / 0.08 MByte
Maxim Integrated(美信)
可变磁阻传感器接口,提供差分输入和自适应峰值门限 Variable Reluctance Sensor Interfaces with Differential Input and Adaptive Peak Threshold
Maxim Integrated(美信)
MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS MAX9924UAUB+T 专用接口, 传感器接口, 凸轮轴, 曲轴和车速VRS接口, 4.5 V, 5.5 V, µMAX, 10 引脚
Maxim Integrated(美信)
Maxim Integrated### 传感器接口,Maxim Integrated
Maxim Integrated(美信)
可变磁阻传感器接口,提供差分输入和自适应峰值门限 Variable Reluctance Sensor Interfaces with Differential Input and Adaptive Peak Threshold
Maxim Integrated(美信)
传感器接口 Var-Relctnce SnsrIntrfce w/Diffl Inpt&Adptve; PkThrshld
Maxim Integrated(美信)
可变磁阻传感器接口,提供差分输入和自适应峰值门限 Variable Reluctance Sensor Interfaces with Differential Input and Adaptive Peak Threshold
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