Nichia 500A, 510A and 520A Series LEDsThe 500A, 510A and 520A LEDs, from Nichia, are a family of single colour through-hole LEDs. They have a 5mm (T-1 3/4) package with a clear lens. Available in both colour or cool and warm white options, the 5x0A series are suitable for applications such as portable light, signage and decorative lighting.### 可见光 LED,NichiaNichia Corporation 是发光二极管 (LED) 的创新型制造商。 他们设计和制造 LED,用于 LCD 背光、汽车和其他一般照明应用。 Nichia 因开发屡获大奖的蓝色 LED 而著名,它是 LED 工业的领先者。
MARL NSPB500AS 发光二极管, Nichia, 蓝色, 通孔安装, T-1 3/4 (5mm), 20 mA, 3.2 V
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