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Light Touch Switches
Design and specifi cations are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifi cations before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
– ES70 –
5. Prohibited items on fi re and smoking
1. Absolutely avoid use of a switch beyond its rated
range because doing so may cause a fi re.
If misuse or abnormal use may result in conditions
in which the switch is used out of its rated range,
take proper measures such as current interruption
using a protective circuit.
2. The grade of nonfl ammability for resin used in Light
Touch Switches is “94HB, which is based on UL94
Standards (ammability test for plastic ma te ri als).
Pro hib it use in a location where a spread ing fi re
may be generated or prepare against a spreading
6. For use in equipment for which safety re quest ed
Although care is taken to ensure switch quality,
vari a tion of contact resistance (increase), short
cir cuits, open circuits, and temperature rise are
some prob lems that might be generated.
To de sign a set which places maximum em pha sis
on safety, review the affect of any single fault of
a switch in advance and perform virtually fail-safe
design to ensure maximum safety by:
1. preparing a protective circuit or a protective
device to improve system safety, and
2. preparing a redundant circuit to improve system
safe ty so that the single fault of a switch does
not cause a dangerous situation.
7. F o r a c t u a l u s e , b e sure to refer to Product
Spec i ca tions for Information.
When using our Light Touch Switches, please ob serve
the following items (“prohibited items”) and be
cau tious of the following in order to prevent dan ger ous
accidents and deterioration of performance.
1. Notes on soldering conditions
When performing solder dipping, check the soldering
conditions according to the “Product Specifi cation
for Information,” because the conditions vary with the
prod uct. Do not wash the switch after solder dipping
be cause fl ux may enter the switch, resulting in contact
failure. Avoid use of jumper cables near the switches
be cause fl ux may attach to them.
1. Control the liquid level so that ux does not enter
the switch from the top.
2. When performing manual soldering, perform it at a
temperature of 350 °C within 3 seconds.
3. Do not apply a load to the switch lever after sol der ing.
4. For refl ow soldering
When performing refl ow soldering using a hot-air
oven or an infrared oven, observe the following
con di tions. Since the temperature applied to a
switch and its ter mi nals varies with the type and
size of the PWB and the mounting density of the
parts, suf cient ly check the conditions in advance.
When a board with double-sided through holes is
used, do not make through holes immediately under
the switch case. Otherwise, the switch case may fuse.
2. Notes on design of a set
1. For switch mounting holes, refer to the “Rec om mend ed
PWB piercing plan” as described in “Di men sions.
2. For shapes of operating parts in a set, refer to
rec om mend ed shapes described in “Product
Specifi cations for Information.
3. Other prohibited items and notes
1. Take care not to apply excessive load to a switch.
Doing so may cause terminal deformation, contact
fail ure, and/or malfunction.
2. Suf ciently check any generation of corrosive gas
from the components in a set under actual oper ating
conditions. Corrosive gas may cause contact failure
and corrosive stress cracking of metal.
3. To prevent contact failure due to foreign matter
(such as chips of a PWB and fl ux) entering a
switch, take care when handling a PWB after mounting.
Do not stack the PWB’s.
4. Prohibited items and notes on storage con di tions
Do not store the switches under high temperatures
and/or high humidity, or in a location where cor ro sive
gas may be generated. Store the switches at room
tem per a ture and room humidity in a packed con di tion.
Use them within a maximum of 6 months af ter de liv ery.
Check the date of manufacture on the pack age box
and ap ply the “fi rst-in- rst-out” rule. If unpacked
switch es must be stored as inventory, store them in a
poly eth yl ene bag to keep out air.
Sep. 201000

EVQQ2F02W 数据手册

4 页 / 0.09 MByte
2 页 / 0.04 MByte

EVQQ2F02 数据手册

EVQ-Q2 系列 6.5 x 6 x 1.8 mm 表面贴装 1 N 薄型 轻触开关
Panasonic SMT 轻触开关 - EVP 和 EVQ 系列Panasonic 光触摸开关,通常称为轻触式或轻触开关,属于瞬时压扣式开关,用于小电流(额定值为 20 mA 15 V 直流)。 这些轻触开关提供独特敏锐、清晰且明显的点击操作感,触点电阻较低,弹跳噪声低,高触点 可靠性,并具有多种操作力。 此轻触式开关的 THT 范围具备诸如超薄型材、小型设计、侧面安装版本,带或不带接地端子或定位/固定轮毂,长行程(行程)、超程等选件的特性,并具有表面安装和 J 型弯曲端子安装选件。** **** **具有明显的点击感 多种操作力 除了侧运行边缘安装版本 (EVQQ0G03K) 之外,库存号 756-1811,为带转换触点的单极,其它均为单极,带常开触点 ### 触控
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