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Use of FTDI devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the user’s risk, and the
user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold FTDI harmless from any and all damages, claims, suits
or expense resulting from such use.
Future Technology Devices International Limited (FTDI)
Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Glasgow G41 1HH, United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (0) 141 429 2777 Fax: + 44 (0) 141 429 2758
Web Site: http://ftdichip.com
Copyright © 2008-2013 Future Technology Devices International Limited
Application Note
Submitting Modified FTDI Drivers
for Windows Hardware
Version 4.1
Issue Date: 2013-05-03
Device drivers are signed and certified by Microsoft to provide the end user a
smooth experience when installing new hardware.
This applications note provides information to help an OEM obtain certification
under their company name.

FT245BL-REEL 数据手册

FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
24 页 / 0.52 MByte
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
47 页 / 1.06 MByte
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
21 页 / 0.35 MByte
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
92 页 / 5.6 MByte
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
12 页 / 0.4 MByte

FT245 数据手册

FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
接口, USB, USB FIFO, USB 2.0, 4.35 V, 5.25 V, LQFP, 32 引脚
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
FTDI  FT245RL  接口桥接器, USB 到 FIFO, 1.8 V, 5.25 V, SSOP, 28 引脚, -40 °C
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
USB 全速 转 并行 FIFO IC 包括振荡器和EEPROM - SSOP-28
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
USB 全速 转 并行 FIFO IC, 包括振荡器和 EEPROM - QFN-32
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
FTDI Chip### 串行输入/输出外设
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
FTDI  FT245RQ  接口桥接器, USB 到 FIFO, 1.8 V, 5.25 V, QFN, 32 引脚, -40 °C
FTDI Chip(飞特帝亚)
USB 全速 转 并行 FIFO IC - QFN-32
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