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2010 Microchip Technology Inc. DS01310A-page 1
Microchip’s enhanced Flash microcontrollers enable
firmware to program itself. This is done by a “boot-
loader” providing a firmware kernel, residing in the
microcontroller. The kernel uses a small portion of pro-
gram memory not normally used by the firmware’s
main application.
When the bootloader firmware is activated, a host PC
can use a serial protocol to read, write and verify
updates to the microcontroller's application firmware.
Once the application firmware is programmed, the
bootloader cedes control, allowing normal application
execution until the bootloader is called.
AN1310 Bootloader Features
The key features of the AN1310, “High-Speed Serial
Bootloader for PIC16 and PIC18 Devices” include:
Small firmware code size (less than 450 instruction
words on most devices)
Automatic baud rate synchronization to the host
Baud rate flexibility, from 1,200 bps to 3 Mbps for
extremely fast programming
A 16-bit CRC packet and Flash memory
verification for quick verification of successful
programming, even at low baud rates
An advanced “write planner” that eliminates
unnecessary erase/write transactions
Support for a wide variety of PIC16 and PIC18
devices through an “essential device characteristics
Optional application remapping that does not
require linker script modifications or remapping of
interrupt service routines
A forced bootloader re-entry mechanism requiring
minimal start-up delay and no additional I/O pins or
application firmware code to re-enter the bootloader
Optional MCLR
Reset control, allowing the host
PC application to automatically reset the device
for robust bootloader re-entry
PC software rewritten in C/C++ for the cross-
platform, Qt
SDK, enabling Linux host support
by recompiling the PC software source code
A simple, Serial Terminal Application mode,
provided by the PC software, that eliminates time
wasted by switching between separate bootloader
host and serial terminal applications
Before using the serial bootloader, the following is
Familiarity with Configuration bits, compiling and
programming PIC
A development board with a serial port connected
to the PIC device's USART1 RX/TX pins
A PC with a serial port or USB-to-serial adapter
A traditional programming tool for initially writing
the bootloader firmware into the PIC device (such
as REAL ICE™ emulator, PICkit™ 3 or MPLAB
ICD 3)
Installation of the MPLAB
IDE software
Installation of the AN1310, high-speed serial
bootloader software
The AN1310 high-speed serial bootloader software
package (including full source code) can be down-
loaded from the www.microchip.com/applicationnotes
web site.
1. When the Browse Application Notes page appears,
go to the Select a Function menu and select
“Bootloader” under “Programming & Bootloaders”.
2. Click the Search button.
3. Scroll down to AN1310 and click the compressed
file icon in the “Resource Type” column.
Author: E. Schlunder
Microchip Technology Inc.
Note: If a review of the preceding features list
indicates that a different bootloader is
needed, see “Alternative References”.
High-Speed Serial Bootloader for PIC16 and PIC18 Devices

PIC16F84-04I/SO 数据手册

129 页 / 1.04 MByte
688 页 / 2.66 MByte
264 页 / 4.54 MByte
4 页 / 0.03 MByte
24 页 / 0.47 MByte
18 页 / 0.58 MByte
2 页 / 0.1 MByte

PIC16F8404 数据手册

PIC16F83/84 8 位闪存微控制器Microchip 的 PIC16F 系列微控制器 8 位 MCU,将 Microchip 的 PIC® 体系架构融入到引脚和封装选件中,从节省空间的 14 引脚设备到功能丰富的 64 引脚设备。 带有基线、中级或增强型中级体系架构的设备提供多种不同的外围设备组合,可谓设计人员提供灵活性,并为应用提供选择。 PIC16F83/84 系列微控制器基于 Microchip 的中级内核,带 8 层深硬件堆栈和 35 个指令。 这些 MCU 提供高达 5 个 MIP、1.75 千字节程序存储器、68 字节 RAM 和 64 字节 EEPROM。### 微控制器功能最大 20 MHz CPU 速度 35 指令 8 级硬件堆栈 13 个输入/输出引脚 通电重置 (POR) 通电计时器 (PWRT) 振荡器启动计时器 (OST) 掉电重置 (BOR) 监控器计时器 (WDT) 在线串行编程 (ICSP) 在线调试 (ICD) ### 外设一个 8 位计时器 ### PIC16 微控制器
MICROCHIP  PIC16F84-04/P  微控制器, 8位, 闪存, PIC16F, 4 MHz, 1.75 KB, 68 Byte, 18 引脚, DIP
PIC16 微控制器
MICROCHIP  PIC16F84-04I/SO  芯片, 微控制器, 8位, PIC16F, 4MHz, SOIC-18
18引脚闪存/ EEPROM的8位微控制器 18-pin Flash/EEPROM 8-Bit Microcontrollers
18引脚闪存/ EEPROM的8位微控制器 18-pin Flash/EEPROM 8-Bit Microcontrollers
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