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Datasheet 搜索 > 地磁传感器 > Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子) > A3280LLTTR-T 数据手册 > A3280LLTTR-T 数据手册 1/13 页
  • 原理图在P2
  • 功能描述在P2P9
  • 技术参数、封装参数在P3
  • 应用领域在P10
  • 电气规格在P5
  • 型号编号列表在P5
of 13 Go
NOTE: For detailed information on purchasing options, contact your
local Allegro field applications engineer or sales representative.
Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, revisions to the anticipated product life cycle plan
for a product to accommodate changes in production capabilities, alternative product availabilities, or market demand. The
information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no respon-
sibility for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
Recommended Substitutions:
Chopper-Stabilized, Precision Hall-Effect Latches
A3280, A3281, and A3283
For existing customer transition, and for new customers or new appli-
cations, refer to the A1223.
Note: The A3280 and A3281 are obsolete. For existing customer transi-
tion, and for new customers or new applications, refer to the A1222.
Date of status change: August 16, 2010
Deadline for receipt of LAST TIME BUY orders: October 29, 2010
The A3283 part is in production but has been determined to be
LAST TIME BUY. This classification indicates that the product is
obsolete and notice has been given. Sale of this device is currently
restricted to existing customer applications. The device should not be
purchased for new design applications because of obsolescence in the
near future. Samples are no longer available.
Last Time Buy

A3280LLTTR-T 数据手册

Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
13 页 / 0.55 MByte

A3280 数据手册

Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
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IC A3280LLHLT SOT-23w marking/标记 80L
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
Allegro MicroSystems(急速微电子)
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