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December 2, 2008
8-Bit μP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer
General Description
The ADC0844 and ADC0848 are CMOS 8-bit successive ap-
proximation A/D converters with versatile analog input multi-
plexers. The 4-channel or 8-channel multiplexers can be
software configured for single-ended, differential or pseudo-
differential modes of operation.
The differential mode provides low frequency input common
mode rejection and allows offsetting the analog range of the
converter. In addition, the A/D's reference can be adjusted
enabling the conversion of reduced analog ranges with 8-bit
The A/Ds are designed to operate from the control bus of a
wide variety of microprocessors. TRI-STATE output latches
that directly drive the data bus permit the A/Ds to be config-
ured as memory locations or I/O devices to the microproces-
sor with no interface logic necessary.
Easy interface to all microprocessors
Operates ratiometrically or with 5 V
voltage reference
No zero or full-scale adjust required
4-channel or 8-channel multiplexer with address logic
Internal clock
0V to 5V input range with single 5V power supply
0.3″ standard width 20-pin or 24-pin DIP
28 Pin Molded Chip Carrier Package
Key Specifications
Resolution 8 Bits
Total Unadjusted Error ±½ LSB and ± 1 LSB
Single Supply 5 V
Low Power 15 mW
Conversion Time
40 μs
Block Diagram
* ADC0848 shown in DIP Package CH5-CH8 not included on the ADC0844
© 2008 National Semiconductor Corporation 5016 www.national.com
ADC0844/ADC0848 8-Bit μP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
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ADC0844BCN 数据手册

National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
24 页 / 0.43 MByte
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
20 页 / 0.45 MByte

ADC0844 数据手册

National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
与多路选择8位向上兼容A / D转换器 8-Bit uP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
具有多路复用器选项的 8 位微处理器兼容 A/D 转换器
8 位,( ### 模拟至数字转换器 - Texas Instruments
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS  ADC0844CCN  模数转换器, 8 bit, 25 kSPS, 单, 4.5 V, 6 V, DIP
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
与多路选择8位向上兼容A / D转换器 8-Bit uP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
与多路选择8位向上兼容A / D转换器 8-Bit uP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
与多路选择8位向上兼容A / D转换器 8-Bit uP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
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