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Note 5: Human body model, 100 pF discharged through a 1.5 kX resistor. Machine model ESD rating is 200V.
Note 6: See AN-450 ‘‘Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability’’ or the section titled ‘‘Surface Mount’’ found in a current National
Semiconductor Linear Data Book for other methods of soldering surface mount devices.
Note 7: Typicals are at
C and represent most likely parametric norm.
Note 8: Tested limits are guaranteed to National’s AOQL (Average Outgoing Quality Level).
Note 9: Integral Linearity Error is the maximum deviation from a straight line between the
offset and full scale endpoints.
Note 10: Dynamic testing of the ADC12062 is done using the ADC IN input. The input multiplexer adds harmonic distortion at high frequencies. See the graph in the
Typical Performance Characteristics section for a typical graph of THD performance vs input frequency with and without the input multiplexer.
Note 11: The signal-to-noise ratio is the ratio of the signal amplitude to the background noise level. Harmonics of the input signal are not included in its calculation.
Note 12: The contributions from the first nine harmonics are used in the calculation of the THD.
Note 13: Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) is calculated from the measured signal-to-noise plus distortion ratio (SINAD) using the equation ENOB
Note 14: The digital power supply current takes up to 10 seconds to decay to its final value after PD is pulled low. This prohibits production testing of the standby
current. Some parts may exhibit significantly higher standby currents than the 20 mA typical.
Note 15: Power Supply Sensitivity is defined as the change in the Offset Error or the Full Scale Error due to a change in the supply voltage.
TRI-STATE Test Circuit and Waveforms
TL/H/11490 2
TL/H/11490 3
TL/H/11490 4
TL/H/11490 5

ADC12062CIV 数据手册

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ADC12062 数据手册

National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
12位, 1兆赫, 75毫瓦的A / D转换器 12-Bit, 1 MHz, 75 mW A/D Converter
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
12位, 1兆赫, 75毫瓦的A / D转换器 12-Bit, 1 MHz, 75 mW A/D Converter
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
12位, 1兆赫, 75毫瓦的A / D转换器 12-Bit, 1 MHz, 75 mW A/D Converter
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
12位, 1兆赫, 75毫瓦的A / D转换器 12-Bit, 1 MHz, 75 mW A/D Converter
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
12位, 1.4兆赫, 300毫瓦的A / D转换器输入多路复用器和采样/保持 12-Bit, 1.4 MHz, 300 mW A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold
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