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Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
Rev. B
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Multiformat video decoder supports NTSC-(J, M, 4.43),
Integrates three 54 MHz, 10-bit ADCs
Clocked from a single 27 MHz crystal
Line-locked clock-compatible (LLC)
Adaptive Digital Line Length Tracking (ADLLT™)
5-line adaptive comb filters
Proprietary architecture for locking to weak, noisy, and
unstable video sources such as VCRs and tuners
Subcarrier frequency lock and status information output
Integrated AGC with adaptive peak white mode
Macrovision® copy protection detection
CTI (chroma transient improvement)
DNR (digital noise reduction)
Multiple programmable analog input formats:
CVBS (composite video)
S-Video (Y/C)
YPrPb component (VESA, MII, SMPTE, and Betacam)
12 analog video input channels
Automatic NTSC/PAL/SECAM identification
Digital output formats (8-bit or16-bit):
ITU-R BT.656 YCrCb 4:2:2 output + HS, VS, and FIELD
0.5 V to 1.6 V analog signal input range
Differential gain: 0.5% typ
Differential phase: 0.5° typ
Programmable video controls:
Integrated on-chip video timing generator
Free run mode (generates stable video ouput with no I/P)
VBI decode support for
Close captioning, WSS, CGMS, EDTV, Gemstar® 1×/2×
Power-down mode
2-wire serial MPU interface (I
3.3 V analog, 1.8 V digital core; 3.3 V IO supply
2 temperature grades: 0°C to 70°C and –40°C to +85°C
80-lead LQFP Pb-free package
DVD recorders
Video projectors
HDD-based PVRs/DVDRs
Set-top boxes
Security systems
Digital televisions
AVR receiver
The ADV7183A integrated video decoder automatically detects
and converts a standard analog baseband television signal-
compatible with worldwide standards NTSC, PAL, and SECAM
into 4:2:2 component video data-compatible with 16-/8-bit
The advanced, highly flexible digital output interface enables
performance video decoding and conversion in line-locked
clock based systems. This makes the device ideally suited for a
broad range of applications with diverse analog video character-
istics, including tape based sources, broadcast sources, security/
surveillance cameras, and professional systems.
The 10-bit accurate A/D conversion provides professional
quality video performance and is unmatched. This allows true
8-bit resolution in the 8-bit output mode.
The 12 analog input channels accept standard composite,
S-Video, YPrPb video signals in an extensive number of
combinations. AGC and clamp restore circuitry allow an input
video signal peak-to-peak range of 0.5 V up to 1.6 V.
Alternatively, these can be bypassed for manual settings.
The fixed 54 MHz clocking of the ADCs and datapath for all
modes allows very precise, accurate sampling and digital
filtering. The line-locked clock output allows the output data
rate, timing signals, and output clock signals to be synchronous,
asynchronous, or line locked even with ±5% line length variation.
The output control signals allow glueless interface connections
in almost any application. The ADV7183A modes are set up
over a 2-wire, serial, bidirectional port (I
The ADV7183A is fabricated in a 3.3 V CMOS process. Its
monolithic CMOS construction ensures greater functionality
with lower power dissipation.
The ADV7183A is packaged in a small 80-lead LQFP Pb-free

ADV7183AKST 数据手册

104 页 / 0.82 MByte

ADV7183 数据手册

多格式SDTV视频解码器 Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
多格式SDTV视频解码器 Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
多格式SDTV视频解码器 Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
多格式SDTV视频解码器 Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
多格式SDTV视频解码器 Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
多格式SDTV视频解码器 Multiformat SDTV Video Decoder
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