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2020 Microchip Technology Inc. Data Sheet Complete DS40002269A-page 128
4. After eight bits containing slave address and data direction (read or write) have been
transferred, the slave counter overflows and the SCL line is forced low (D). If the slave
is not the one the master has addressed, it releases the SCL line and waits for a new
start condition.
5. When the slave is addressed, it holds the SDA line low during the acknowledgment
cycle before holding the SCL line low again (i.e., the USI Counter Register must be set
to 14 before releasing SCL at (D)). Depending on the R/W bit the master or slave
enables its output. If the bit is set, a master read operation is in progress (i.e., the slave
drives the SDA line) The slave can hold the SCL line low after the acknowledge (E).
6. Multiple bytes can now be transmitted, all in same direction, until a stop condition is
given by the master (F), or a new start condition is given.
If the slave is not able to receive more data it does not acknowledge the data byte it has last
received. When the master does a read operation it must terminate the operation by forcing the
acknowledge bit low after the last byte transmitted.
14.3.5 Start Condition Detector
The start condition detector is shown in Figure 14-6. The SDA line is delayed (in the range of 40
to 100 ns) to ensure valid sampling of the SCL line. The start condition detector is only enabled
in two-wire mode.
Figure 14-6. Start Condition Detector, Logic Diagram
The start condition detector works asynchronously and can therefore wake up the processor
from power-down sleep mode. However, the protocol used might have restrictions on the SCL
hold time. Therefore, when using this feature the oscillator start-up time (set by CKSEL fuses,
see “Clock Sources” on page 31) must also be taken into consideration. Refer to the description
of the USISIF bit on page 134 for further details.
14.3.6 Clock speed considerations
Maximum frequency for SCL and SCK is f
/ 2. This is also the maximum data transmit and
receive rate in both two- and three-wire mode. In two-wire slave mode the Two-wire Clock Con-
trol Unit will hold the SCL low until the slave is ready to receive more data. This may reduce the
actual data rate in two-wire mode.
Write( USISIF)
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299 页 / 13.89 MByte
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85 页 / 4.32 MByte
60 页 / 3.17 MByte

ATTINY24 数据手册

8 位 PicoPower tinyAVR® 微控制器,AtmelAtmel 的 tinyAVR® 设备经优化处理,适用于需要性能、电源效率、易于使用且采用小型封装的应用。 所有 picoPower 设备均经过重新设计,旨在提供最低的功耗。最紧凑的小型封装,适用于注重尺寸的应用 电容式触摸 快速,且代码高效 高集成 1.8V 至 5.5V 操作(0.7V 操作,用于 ATtiny43U) ### AVR 微控制器,Atmel
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8 位 tinyAVR® 微控制器,AtmelAtmel 的 tinyAVR® 设备经优化处理,适用于需要性能、电源效率、易于使用且采用小型封装的应用。体积小巧,适用于注重尺寸的应用 电容式触摸 快速,且代码高效 高集成 1.8V 至 5.5V 工作 (ATtiny43U) ### AVR 微控制器,Atmel
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8 位 tinyAVR® 微控制器,AtmelAtmel 的 tinyAVR® 设备经优化处理,适用于需要性能、电源效率、易于使用且采用小型封装的应用。体积小巧,适用于注重尺寸的应用 电容式触摸 快速,且代码高效 高集成 1.8V 至 5.5V 工作 (ATtiny43U) ### AVR 微控制器,Atmel
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