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Datasheet 搜索 > 8位微控制器 > ON Semiconductor(安森美) > AX8052F143-2-TX30 数据手册 > AX8052F143-2-TX30 数据手册 2/45 页
of 45 Go
Sensitivity with FEC
137 dBm @ 0.1 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
122 dBm @ 5 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
111 dBm @ 50 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
High Selectivity Receiver with up to 47 dB Adjacent
Channel Rejection
0 dBm Maximum Input Power
±10% Datarate Error Tolerance
Support for Antenna Diversity with External
Antenna Switch
Short Preamble Modes allow the Receiver to work
with as little as 16 Preamble Bits
Fast State Switching Times
200 ms TX RX Switching Time
62 ms RX TX Switching Time
Carrier Frequencies from 27 to 1050 MHz
Datarates from 0.1 kbps to 125 kbps
High Efficiency, High Linearity Integrated Power
Maximum Output Power
16 dBm @ 868 MHz
16 dBm @ 433 MHz
16 dBm @ 169 MHz
Power Level programmable in 0.5 dB Steps
GFSK Shaping with BT=0.3 or BT=0.5
Unrestricted Power Ramp Shaping
RF Frequency Generation
Configurable for Usage in 27 MHz 1050 MHz
RF Carrier Frequency and FSK Deviation
Programmable in 1 Hz Steps
Ultra Fast Settling RF Frequency Synthesizer for
Lowpower Consumption
Fully Integrated RF Frequency Synthesizer with
VCO Autoranging and Bandwidth Boost Modes
for Fast Locking
Configurable for either Fully Integrated VCO,
Internal VCO with External Inductor or Fully
External VCO
Configurable for either Fully Integrated or External
Synthesizer Loop Filter for a Large Range of
Channel Hopping up to 2000 hops/s
Automatic Frequency Control (AFC)
Flexible Antenna Interface
Integrated RX/TX Switching with Differential
Antenna Pins
Mode with Differential RX Pins and Singleended
TX Pin for Usage with External PAs and for
Maximum PA Efficiency at Low Output Power
640 Hz or 10 kHz Lowest Power Wakeup Timer
Wakeup Time Interval programmable between
98 ms and 102 s
Sophisticated Radio Controller
Antenna Diversity and RX/TX Switch Control
Fully Automatic Packet Reception and Transmission
without Microcontroller Intervention
Supports HDLC, Raw, Wireless MBus Frames and
Arbitrary Defined Frames
Automatic Channel Noise Level Tracking
ms Resolution Timestamps for Exact Timing (eg. for
Frequency Hopping Systems)
256 Byte Microprogrammable FIFO, optionally
supports Packet Sizes > 256 Bytes
Three Matching Units for Preamble Byte,
Syncword and Address
Ability to store RSSI, Frequency Offset and
Datarate Offset with the Packet Data
Multiple Receiver Parameter Sets allow the use of
more aggressive Receiver Parameters during
Preamble, dramatically shortening the Required
Preamble Length at no Sensitivity Degradation
Advanced Crystal Oscillator (RF Reference Oscillator)
Fast Startup and Lowest Power Steadystate XTAL
Oscillator for a Wide Range of Crystals
Integrated Tuning Capacitors
Possibility of Applying an External Clock Reference
27 1050 MHz Licensed and Unlicensed Radio Systems
Internet of Things
Automatic meter reading (AMR)
Security applications
Building automation
Wireless networks
Messaging Paging
Compatible with: Wireless MBus, POCSAG, FLEX,
KNX, Sigfox, ZWave, enocean
Regulatory Regimes: EN 300 220 V2.3.1 including the
Narrowband 12.5 kHz, 20 kHz and 25 kHz
Definitions; EN 300 422; FCC Part 15.247; FCC Part
15.249; FCC Part 90 6.25 kHz, 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz

AX8052F143-2-TX30 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
45 页 / 0.45 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
75 页 / 1.06 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
2 页 / 0.08 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
46 页 / 0.82 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
2 页 / 0.03 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
45 页 / 0.38 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
3 页 / 0.11 MByte

AX8052F1432 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
27 Mhz 至 1.05 GHz 125 kbps 16 dbm 64 kB 闪存 8 kB SRAM RF 微控制器 SoC
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON SEMICONDUCTOR  AX8052F143-2-TB05  芯片, 射频微控制器, 8位, 8052, 20MHZ, QFN-40
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