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Datasheet 搜索 > ON Semiconductor(安森美) > AX8052F143-3-TX30 数据手册 > AX8052F143-3-TX30 数据手册 1/45 页
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© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2015
November, 2015 Rev. 3
1 Publication Order Number:
SoC Ultra-Low Power
RF-Microcontroller for RF
Carrier Frequencies in the
Range 27 - 1050 MHz
SoC Ultralow Power Advanced Narrowband
RFmicrocontroller for Wireless Communication
QFN40 Package
Supply Range 1.8 V 3.6 V
40°C to 85°C
Ultralow Power Consumption:
CPU Active Mode 150 mA/MHz
Sleep Mode with 256 Byte RAM Retention and
Wakeup Timer running 900 nA
Sleep Mode 4 kByte RAM Retention and Wakeup
Timer running 1.5 mA
Sleep Mode 8 kByte RAM Retention and Wakeup
Timer running 2.2 mA
Radio RXmode
6.5 mA @ 169 MHz
9.5 mA @ 868 MHz and 433 MHz
Radio TXmode at 868 MHz
7.5 mA @ 0 dBm
16 mA @ 10 dBm
48 mA @ 16 dBm
Ultralow Power MCU Core Compatible with Industry
Standard 8052 Instruction Set
Down to 500 nA Wakeup Current
Single Cycle/Instruction for many Instructions
64 kByte Insystem Programmable FLASH
Code Protection Lock
8.25 kByte SRAM
3wire (1 dedicated, 2 shared) Incircuit Debug
Three 16bit Timers with SD Output Capability
Two 16bit Wakeup Timers
Two Input Captures
Two Output Compares with PWM Capability
10bit 500 ksample/s AnalogtoDigital Converter
Temperature Sensor
Two Analog Comparators
One General Purpose Master/Slave SPI
Two Channel DMA Controller
Multimegabit/s AES Encryption/Decryption Engine,
supports AES128, AES192 and AES256 with True
Random Number Generator (TRNG)
NOTE: The AES Engine and the TRNG require
Software Enabling and Support.
Ultralow Power 10 kHz/640 Hz Wakeup Oscillator,
with Automatic Calibration against a Precise Clock
Internal 20 MHz RC Oscillator, with Automatic
Calibration against a Precise Clock for Flexible System
Low Frequency Tuning Fork Crystal Oscillator for
Accurate Low Power Time Keeping
Brownout and PoweronReset Detection
High Performance Narrowband RF Transceiver
compatible to AX5043 (FSK/MSK/4FSK/GFSK/GMSK/
Carrier Frequencies from 27 to 1050 MHz
Data Rates from 0.1 kbps to 125 kbps
Optional Forward Error Correction (FEC)
Sensitivity without FEC
135 dBm @ 0.1 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
126 dBm @ 1 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
117 dBm @ 10 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
107 dBm @ 100 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
105 dBm @ 125 kbps, 868 MHz, FSK
138 dBm @ 0.1 kbps, 868 MHz, PSK
130 dBm @ 1 kbps, 868 MHz, PSK
120 dBm @ 10 kbps, 868 MHz, PSK
109 dBm @ 100 kbps, 868 MHz, PSK
108 dBm @ 125 kbps, 868 MHz, PSK

AX8052F143-3-TX30 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
45 页 / 0.45 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
75 页 / 1.06 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
2 页 / 0.08 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
3 页 / 0.01 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
2 页 / 0.03 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
4 页 / 0.22 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
3 页 / 0.11 MByte

AX8052F1433 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
微控制器, 特定应用, AX80系列, AX8052F143系列, 8位, 64KB, 20MHz, QFN-40
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
MCU, RF收发器, AX8052,20 MHz, 8位, 8.25 KB RAM/64 KB编程, SPI, UART, QFN-40
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