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Pin Name Description
6 VDD Supply Power Input /
5V Regulator Output
7 VREGIN 5V Regulator Input
8 VBUS Digital Input. VBUS Sense Input. This pin should be connected to the VBUS signal of a USB
network. A 5 V signal on this pin indicates a USB network connection.
9 RSTb Active-low Reset
10 NC No Connect (leave this pin floating).
11 SUSPENDb Digital Output. This pin is driven low when the device enters the USB suspend state.
12 GND Ground
13 WAKEUP Digital Input. Remote USB wakeup interrupt input.
14 SUSPEND Digital Output. This pin is driven high when the device enters the USB suspend state.
15 CTS Digital Input. Clear To Send control input (active low).
16 RTS Digital Output. Ready To Send control output (active low).
17 RXD Digital Input. Asynchronous data input (UART Receive).
18 TXD Digital Output. Asynchronous data output (UART Transmit).
19 GPIO.3 /
Digital Input/Output. General Purpose I/O.
Digital Output. Receive LED toggle.
20 GPIO.2 /
Digital Input/Output. General Purpose I/O.
Digital Output. Transmit LED toggle.
Center GND Ground
CP2102N Data Sheet
Pin Definitions
silabs.com | Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly. Rev. 1.1 | 27

CP2102N-A01-GQFN28R 数据手册

Silicon Labs(芯科)
45 页 / 0.87 MByte
Silicon Labs(芯科)
9 页 / 1.22 MByte
Silicon Labs(芯科)
44 页 / 0.61 MByte

CP2102NA01GQFN28 数据手册

Silicon Labs(芯科)
SILICON LABS  CP2102N-A01-GQFN28  接口桥接器, USB 到 UART, 3 V, 3.6 V, QFN, 28 引脚, -40 °C 新
Silicon Labs(芯科)
CP2102N-A01-GQFN28R 停产
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