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DSPIC33FJ128MC706A-E/PT 数据手册 - Microchip(微芯)
16位 DSC 带128 KB闪存 采用64引脚TQFP封装
of 20 Go

16-bit Embedded Control Solutions
PIC24 MCUs with eXtreme Low Power
eXtreme Low Power (XLP) Technology
Energy conservation is becoming essential for the
growing number of electronic applications. Products
with Microchip’s XLP technology offer the industry’s
lowest sleep currents, where most applications spend
90–99% of their time. These devices are ideal for a
variety of applications including portable medical devices,
wearables/fitness monitors, remote controls, wireless
sensors, asset tracking, thermostats, energy monitoring,
security systems and IoT sensor nodes.
■ Low sleep currents with fl exible wake-up sources
• Sleep current down to 9 nA
• Brown-Out Reset (BOR) down to 45 nA
• Real-time clock down to 400 nA
■ Battery-friendly features
• Enable battery lifetime greater than 20 years
• Low-power supervisors for safe operation (BOR, WDT)
■ V
BAT battery back-up
• Automatic switch-over upon loss of VDD
• Maintains Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC) and
two user registers
• Powered separately from 1.8–3.6V source (coin cell)
■ Effi cient instruction set; 90% single-cycle instruction
• Active mode currents as low as 150 µA/MHz
XLP Battery Life Estimator
The XLP Battery Life Estimator is a free software utility
to aid you in developing low-power applications. The tool
estimates average current consumption and battery life.
The utility allows you to select the target device, battery
type, the application’s operating conditions (such as
voltage and temperature) and model the active and power-
down times for their application. The tool comes preloaded
with specifications of Microchip’s PIC microcontrollers
featuring nanoWatt XLP technology and commonly used
batteries in embedded applications.
Development Tools
16-bit XLP Development Board (DM240311)
This board is designed as true platform for
low-power development with flexible power
sources including AAA, CR2032, energy
harvesting, USB or 9V power supply. It
includes current measurement terminals and
ships with PIC24F16KA102 and can be used
with other 28-pin XLP devices.
LCD Explorer Development Board (DM240314)
This board showcases the
PIC24FJ128GA310 family with segmented
LCD driver. The board operates from two
AAA batteries and includes circuitry for VBAT
battery back-up from a coin cell battery.
MPLAB Starter Kit for PIC24F Intelligent Integrated
Analog (DM240015)
Featuring the PIC24FJ128GC010
family, this kit is ideal for designing
low-power sensor networks. It includes
on-board sensors for light, temperature
and touch. The analog header makes it easy to add your
custom sensors for a complete prototype.
MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator Power Monitor
This add-on board enables low-power
monitoring and debugging. Breakpoints
indicate when current exceeds a specified
threshold and provides a graph of current,
voltage and time versus code execution.
Application Notes
■ AN1861: Bluetooth Smart Communication Using
Microchip’s RN4020 Module and 16-bit PIC® MCU
■ AN1556: Blood Pressure Meter Design Using Microchip’s
PIC24F Microcontroller and Analog Devices
■ AN1416: Low Power Design Guide: A Single Source for
Low Power Consumption from the Viewpoint of the MCU
■ AN1267: nanoWatt XLP Technology: An Introduction to
Microchip’s Low-Power Devices
and touch. The analog header makes it easy to add your
Featured XLP Products
Product Flash (KB) Pin Count Sleep (nA)
Deep Sleep
WDT (nA)
32 kHz
PIC24F16KL402 4–16 14/20/28 30 – 210 690 150 MSSP
PIC24FJ64GB004 32–64 28/44 200 20 200 500 250 USB
PIC24FJ128GB204 64–128 28/44 380 18 240 300 178 Crypto, USB, V
PIC24FJ128GA310 64–128 64/100 330 10 270 400 150 LCD, VBAT
PIC24FJ128GC010 64–128 64/100 330 10 270 400 150 Adv. Analog, LCD, USB, VBAT
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