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default to be GPIO signals at reset., with the exception of the SSI0Clk, SSI0Fss, SSI0Rx, and
SSI0Tx pins which default to the SSI function. The column in the table below titled "Pin Assignment"
lists the possible GPIO pin placements for the SSI signals. The AFSEL bit in the GPIO Alternate
Function Select (GPIOAFSEL) register (page 309) should be set to choose the SSI function. For
more information on configuring GPIOs, see “General-Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs)” on page 287.
Table 13-1. SSI Signals (100LQFP)
DescriptionBuffer Type
Pin TypePin NumberPin Name
SSI module 0 clock.TTLI/O28SSI0Clk
SSI module 0 frame signal.TTLI/O29SSI0Fss
SSI module 0 receive.TTLI30SSI0Rx
SSI module 0 transmit.TTLO31SSI0Tx
a. The TTL designation indicates the pin has TTL-compatible voltage levels.
Table 13-2. SSI Signals (108BGA)
DescriptionBuffer Type
Pin TypePin NumberPin Name
SSI module 0 clock.TTLI/OM4SSI0Clk
SSI module 0 frame signal.TTLI/OL4SSI0Fss
SSI module 0 receive.TTLIL5SSI0Rx
SSI module 0 transmit.TTLOM5SSI0Tx
a. The TTL designation indicates the pin has TTL-compatible voltage levels.
13.3 Functional Description
The SSI performs serial-to-parallel conversion on data received from a peripheral device. The CPU
accesses data, control, and status information. The transmit and receive paths are buffered with
internal FIFO memories allowing up to eight 16-bit values to be stored independently in both transmit
and receive modes.
13.3.1 Bit Rate Generation
The SSI includes a programmable bit rate clock divider and prescaler to generate the serial output
clock. Bit rates are supported to 2 MHz and higher, although maximum bit rate is determined by
peripheral devices.
The serial bit rate is derived by dividing down the input clock (FSysClk). The clock is first divided
by an even prescale value CPSDVSR from 2 to 254, which is programmed in the SSI Clock Prescale
(SSICPSR) register (see page 495). The clock is further divided by a value from 1 to 256, which is
1 + SCR, where SCR is the value programmed in the SSI Control0 (SSICR0) register (see page 488).
The frequency of the output clock SSIClk is defined by:
SSIClk = FSysClk / (CPSDVSR * (1 + SCR))
Note: For master mode, the system clock must be at least two times faster than the SSIClk. For
slave mode, the system clock must be at least 12 times faster than the SSIClk.
See “Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)” on page 711 to view SSI timing parameters.
July 15, 2014476
Texas Instruments-Production Data
Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)

LM3S6965-IQC50-A2T 数据手册

761 页 / 4.64 MByte
761 页 / 5.41 MByte
11 页 / 0.32 MByte

LM3S6965IQC50A2 数据手册

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS  LM3S6965-IQC50-A2  微控制器, 32位, ARM 皮质-M3, 50 MHz, 256 KB, 64 KB, 100 引脚, LQFP
的Stellaris LM3S6965微控制器 Stellaris LM3S6965 Microcontroller
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