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Description M95160 M95160-W M95160-R M95160-DF
6/53 DocID022580 Rev 8
1 Description
The M95160 devices are Electrically Erasable PROgrammable Memories (EEPROMs)
organized as 2048 x 8 bits, accessed through the SPI bus.
The M95160-W can operate with a supply voltage from 2.5 V to 5.5 V, the M95160-R can
operate with a supply voltage from 1.8 V to 5.5 V, and the M95160-DF can operate with a
supply voltage from 1.7
V to 5.5 V, over an ambient temperature range of -40 °C / +85 °C.
The M95160-D offers an additional page, named the Identification Page (32 bytes). The
Identification Page can be used to store sensitive application parameters which can be
(later) permanently locked in Read-only mode.
Figure 1. Logic diagram
The SPI bus signals are C, D and Q, as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. The device is
selected when Chip Select (S) is driven low. Communications with the device can be
interrupted when the
HOLD is driven low.
Table 1. Signal names
Signal name Function Direction
C Serial Clock Input
D Serial Data Input Input
Q Serial Data Output Output
Chip Select Input
W Write Protect Input
HOLD Hold Input
Supply voltage -
Ground -

M95160-RMN6T 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
53 页 / 0.9 MByte

M95160RMN6 数据手册

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