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  • 技术参数、封装参数在P23
  • 应用领域在P4
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Guide to Selecting a Connector
In selecting a connector, it first must be
determined if a non-environmental 97
A or B Series 5015 type is required or if
an environmental MS-5015 Class E, F,
or R type* is required.
If determined that the general duty,
non-environmental 97 series is the
choice - then this catalog is appropriate
to your needs
The following 8 steps apply to for-
mulation of a part number.**
How many wires are you
going to connect?
What gauge?
These two questions are important,
because they indicate which insert you
need. There are literally hundreds to
choose from.
The insert arrangements for solder
contact connectors are illustrated on
pages 6-11. The inserts most often
used are highlighted on these pages.
Here’s an example of how to choose
an insert arrangement. Say you want to
connect eight 16-ga. wires, - first find
the section of arrangements contain-
ing 8 contacts. Insert number 20-7 is
the one you want because it contains
eight 16-ga. contacts and it is one of
the most often used. The one you
choose might depend on your space or
voltage requirements. The voltage
capacity of each insert is listed under
its diagram.
If you have more than one wire size
to connect, the method is essentially
the same. Actually, the insert configu-
rations for multiple-size wires are a lot
more flexible than they appear. That’s
because you can always solder a
smaller wire to a larger contact. How-
ever, soldering a large wire to a small
contact isn’t recommended because of
size and current requirements.
What if several identical
connectors have different
Here’s a situation to watch out for. You
have four identical receptacles on a
panel. One carries high current loads.
The others have low current functions.
A plug mated with the wrong receptacle
(cross-mating) could ruin your valu-
able equipment.
To avoid cross-mating, you can
order identical inserts positioned in
both the plugs and receptacles at vari-
ous angles from standard. These varia-
tions from standard position are called
alternate insert positions, and are
described on page 12.
What kind of receptacle do
you need?
For Wall Mounting Use a wall recep-
tacle, type 3100. The elongated back of
this receptacle extends through thick
wall material. It is threaded to accept
standard hardware fittings.
For Unmounted Applications Use
the cable receptacle, type 3101.
For Box or Panel Mounting Use the
box receptacle, type 3102. This recep-
tacle’s back is short to conserve space.
It is not threaded on the back end and
is used when no accessories such as
clamps are needed.
What kind of plug do you
For ordinary situations The straight
plug, type 3106 meets most connector
requirements. However . . .
when space is critical you may want
to consider using an angle plug, type
3108. This type plug lets the cable
enter your equipment at a right angle.
Do you need a plug with a
Solid or Split back shell?
You can get both straight and angle
plugs in solid or split back shell
designs. With the solid shell you have
greater strength and you save space.
On the other hand, the split shell
design lets you quickly inspect the sol-
der terminals when you need to. This
feature could be important if you’ll be
subjecting the connector to rough han-
dling and heavy use.
The designation to use for solid
shell construction is the letter A. This
designation letter goes immediately
after the main shell type number: for
example, 3106A or 3108A.
The designation for split shell construc-
tion is the letter B; for example, 3106B
or 3108B.
Because of application, receptacles
are made in solid backshell construc-
tion only. Their designation is 3100A,
3101A. (See how to order for solder
contact connectors, page 19.
Which connector gets the
socket? - the receptacle or
the plug?
You’re at the point where you desig-
nate which inserts are used with which
shells. Either pin or socket inserts can
be used with plugs or receptacles.
Here’s a good rule of thumb. Order
the sockets for the connector at the
“hot side of the circuit. By having sock-
ets at the power source, theres little
chance that a wayward finger or screw-
driver will short the circuit or cause per-
sonal injury.
The designation for sockets is sim-
ply S in a part number, following the
insert code number. For pins, the des-
ignation is P. Therefore, the 20-7P
insert would have pin contacts, while
the 20-7S insert would have socket
What type of plating is pre-
If you prefer the standard olive cad-
mium, non-reflective, electrically con-
ductive finish, then no suffix number is
required. Other plating variations are
available, including environmentally
friendly zinc alloy. See how to order
instructions for the various plating fin-
ishes offered for 97 Series solder con-
nectors on page 19.
Do you need any
Accessories - cable clamps, protection
caps and chains, conduit adapters, and
panel gaskets are shown on pages 33-
* If an environmental type MIL-5015 E, F or R Class is required, then the
catalog that should be consulted is 12-020, MS/Standard MIL-5015
Cylindrical Connectors. See www.amphenol-industrial.com for on-line
catalogs or contact Amphenol, Sidney, NY.
** These steps are for solder type connectors which are described in
detail on pages 3-19. If a crimp type connector is needed, the same
steps apply, however, you should consult pages 20-29 for details on 97
Series connectors with crimp contacts.

MS3106A14S-2P-RES 数据手册

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73 页 / 2.12 MByte

MS3106A14S2 数据手册

AMPHENOL INDUSTRIAL  MS3106A14S-2P  圆形连接器, 公, 尺寸14S, 4芯, 电缆安装
Amphenol MS 系列电缆插头和插座 Amphenol MS 电缆插头和插座连接器符合 MIL-C-5015 最新性能要求。 这些橄榄色军用规范圆形连接器具有行业公认的电气性能,用于非常注重耐久性的设备。 Amphenol MIL-C-5015 圆形连接器具有螺纹联轴器和单键/键槽极化。 应用包括:军事地面支持设备、军火和舷上安装,机械力和物理参数不受极端或快速环境变化制约的应用。 耐用、领域公认的设计 环境耐受性 弹性插件 在海平面,工作电压达 3000 V 交流(有效值) 螺纹联轴器 单键/键槽外壳极化 注 单独订购带衬套电缆夹 用于这些连接器的自旋耦合后壳 - 请参阅库存号 241-1430 Amphenol MS 系列(橄榄色)(符合 MIL-C-5015) 97(橄榄色) 商用级螺纹圆形多极连接器设计为符合 MIL-C-5015 的一般要求,并满足商业和工业应用的质量、可靠性和低成本需要。连接器为螺钉锁定,可与其他螺钉锁定的 MIL-C-5015 类型完全互换。 焊接桶形类型的所有引脚和插座。 注 电缆插头只能插接底盘插座。 电缆插座只能插接底盘插头。
AMPHENOL INDUSTRIAL  MS3106A14S-2S  圆形连接器, 公, 尺寸14S, 4芯, 电缆安装
AMPHENOL AEROSPACE  MS3106A-14S2P  圆形连接器, MIL-DTL-5015 系列, 直型插头, 4 触点, 焊接引脚, 螺纹, 14S-2
AMPHENOL  MS3106A14S-2SX  圆形连接器, MIL-DTL-5015焊接, 螺纹, MIL-DTL-5015 系列, 直型插头, 4 触点, 焊接插座, 螺纹, 14S-2
AMPHENOL  MS3106A-14S2S  圆形连接器, MIL-DTL-5015 系列, 直型插头, 4 触点, 焊接插座, 螺纹, 14S-2
AMPHENOL  MS3106A14S-2SY  圆形连接器, MIL-DTL-5015 系列, 直型插头, 4 触点, 焊接插座, 螺纹, 14S-2
AMPHENOL  MS3106A14S-2P-RES  圆形连接器, MIL-DTL-5015 系列, 直型插头, 4 触点, 焊接引脚, 螺纹, 14S-2
AMPHENOL  MS3106A14S-2PY-RES  圆形连接器, MIL-DTL-5015 系列, 直型插头, 4 触点, 焊接引脚, 螺纹, 14S-2
Amphenol MS 系列电缆插头和插座Amphenol MS 电缆插头和插座连接器符合 MIL-C-5015 最新性能要求。 这些橄榄色军用规范圆形连接器具有行业公认的电气性能,用于非常注重耐久性的设备。 Amphenol MIL-C-5015 圆形连接器具有螺纹联轴器和单键/键槽极化。 应用包括:军事地面支持设备、军火和舷上安装,机械力和物理参数不受极端或快速环境变化制约的应用。耐用、领域公认的设计 环境耐受性 弹性插件 在海平面,工作电压达 3000 V 交流(有效值) 螺纹联轴器 单键/键槽外壳极化 ### 注单独订购带衬套电缆夹 用于这些连接器的自旋耦合后壳 - 请参阅库存号 241-1430 (典型系列) 电缆安装插头(引脚触点)只能接合底盘插座。 电缆安装插座只能接合底盘插头。 ### Amphenol MS 系列(橄榄色)(符合 MIL-C-5015)### 97(橄榄色)商用级螺纹圆形多极连接器设计为符合 MIL-C-5015 的一般要求,并满足商业和工业应用的质量、可靠性和低成本需要。连接器为螺钉锁定,可与其他螺钉锁定的 MIL-C-5015 类型完全互换。 焊接桶形类型的所有引脚和插座。外壳材料 | 铝合金覆黄褐色面层 ---|--- 绝缘体 | 包层氯丁橡胶块 触点 | 镀镍覆银铜合金 工作电压 | A 类:500V 交流或直流峰值 Inst 类:200V 交流或直流峰值 绝缘电阻 | 5000 MΩ 触点电阻 | 5mΩ 额定温度 | -55 → +100°C ### 注电缆插头只能插接底盘插座。 电缆插座只能插接底盘插头。
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