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5015 S III
– –
MIL-DTL-5015 /AS50151
Features and Application
Series III
Features and Application
e threaded coupling, environmentally sealed
MIL-DTL-5015 Series III connector with rear-removable
crimp contacts was developed to replace the earlier solder
type. is redesigned connector is intermateable and
intermountable with the MIL-DTL-5015 Series I solder type
(MS310*) as well as the MIL-DTL- 83723 Series II (USAF)
crimp type and MIL-DTL-5015 Series II Front Release
(MS340*). us, it provides for a minimum eort and high
economy upgrade for existing applications.
ese connectors are recommended for a wide range of
applications, from commercial/industrial and mass
transportation systems to the most stringent high reliability
defense and aerospace requirements.
is family of connectors is oered in four receptacle
mounting congurations. ey include two square ange
receptacles, both wall and box mounting; cable connecting
receptacles; and jam nut receptacles which incorporate “O”
ring seals, designed for rear panel “D” hole mounting.
Two plug styles are oered - standard plug with free
rotating coupling nut with safety wire holes, and a self-lock-
ing, anti-decoupling plug, which eliminates the need for
safety wiring.
Eighty-eight insert arrangements per MIL-STD-1651 are tooled
and qualied to MIL-DTL-5015, utilizing 1 to 85 contacts.
Contacts come in sizes 16, 12, 8, 4 and 0, terminating wire
sizes from 20 gauge to 0 gauge.
ese connectors are available in wide range of shell
materials and nishes. Aluminum shells are oered in
both electroless nickel and olive drab cadmium to both
commercial and MS callouts. Other nishes such as anodic
and zinc cobalt are available upon request to commercial
callouts only. In addition, we oer passivated stainless steel
shells with both standard and rewall-rated inserts, and
carbon steel shells with rewall inserts.
Lockwiring Eliminated – Self-locking plug eliminates the
need for lockwiring.
Universal I/R Tool – A single, expendable plastic tool is used
for both insertion and removal of contacts.
Insert Polarization – Alternate insert clocking positions
aid in mating of adjacent connectors having identical insert
Closed-Entry Socket Insert – Hard dielectric socket face has
lead-in chamfers for positive alignment of pins (even partially
bent within pre-established limits) with sockets.
Interfacial Pin Insert Seal – Raised moisture barriers around
each pin, which mate into lead-in chamfers of hard face
socket insert, provide individual contact sealing. Interfacial
seal is never touched by service tools.
Elastomer Wire Sealing Grommet – Sealing over a wide
range of wire diameters is assured by a triple wire seal in each
cavity at the rear of the connector.
Superior Contact Stability – Rear release crimp contact
system features a stamped beryllium-copper retaining clip
captivated by molded-in shoulders of each contact cavity in
the insulator. A rear-inserted M81969 plastic tool expands
the tines beyond the shoulder, releasing the contact.

MS3456L12S-3SW-LC 数据手册

Aero Conesys
25 页 / 0.91 MByte

MS3456L12S3 数据手册

环形MIL规格连接器 5015 RR 2#16S PIN PLUG
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