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MS3456L12S-3SW-LC 数据手册 - Aero Conesys
Aero Conesys
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5015 S III
– –
MIL-DTL-5015 /AS50151
Features and Application
Series III
Features and Application
e threaded coupling, environmentally sealed
MIL-DTL-5015 Series III connector with rear-removable
crimp contacts was developed to replace the earlier solder
type. is redesigned connector is intermateable and
intermountable with the MIL-DTL-5015 Series I solder type
(MS310*) as well as the MIL-DTL- 83723 Series II (USAF)
crimp type and MIL-DTL-5015 Series II Front Release
(MS340*). us, it provides for a minimum eort and high
economy upgrade for existing applications.
ese connectors are recommended for a wide range of
applications, from commercial/industrial and mass
transportation systems to the most stringent high reliability
defense and aerospace requirements.
is family of connectors is oered in four receptacle
mounting congurations. ey include two square ange
receptacles, both wall and box mounting; cable connecting
receptacles; and jam nut receptacles which incorporate “O”
ring seals, designed for rear panel “D” hole mounting.
Two plug styles are oered - standard plug with free
rotating coupling nut with safety wire holes, and a self-lock-
ing, anti-decoupling plug, which eliminates the need for
safety wiring.
Eighty-eight insert arrangements per MIL-STD-1651 are tooled
and qualied to MIL-DTL-5015, utilizing 1 to 85 contacts.
Contacts come in sizes 16, 12, 8, 4 and 0, terminating wire
sizes from 20 gauge to 0 gauge.
ese connectors are available in wide range of shell
materials and nishes. Aluminum shells are oered in
both electroless nickel and olive drab cadmium to both
commercial and MS callouts. Other nishes such as anodic
and zinc cobalt are available upon request to commercial
callouts only. In addition, we oer passivated stainless steel
shells with both standard and rewall-rated inserts, and
carbon steel shells with rewall inserts.
Lockwiring Eliminated – Self-locking plug eliminates the
need for lockwiring.
Universal I/R Tool – A single, expendable plastic tool is used
for both insertion and removal of contacts.
Insert Polarization – Alternate insert clocking positions
aid in mating of adjacent connectors having identical insert
Closed-Entry Socket Insert – Hard dielectric socket face has
lead-in chamfers for positive alignment of pins (even partially
bent within pre-established limits) with sockets.
Interfacial Pin Insert Seal – Raised moisture barriers around
each pin, which mate into lead-in chamfers of hard face
socket insert, provide individual contact sealing. Interfacial
seal is never touched by service tools.
Elastomer Wire Sealing Grommet – Sealing over a wide
range of wire diameters is assured by a triple wire seal in each
cavity at the rear of the connector.
Superior Contact Stability – Rear release crimp contact
system features a stamped beryllium-copper retaining clip
captivated by molded-in shoulders of each contact cavity in
the insulator. A rear-inserted M81969 plastic tool expands
the tines beyond the shoulder, releasing the contact.
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