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The high-resolution family:
DFS60 Incremental Encoders
D a t a S h e e t
The DFS60 is a high-resolution
incremental hollow shaft Encoder
in a 60 mm housing.
With a maximum of 65,536 lines,
the DFS60 is unique in its class.
Excellent concentricity and excep-
tional robustness are achieved
thanks to the large distance
between the ball bearings which
support the Encoder shaft. With
electrical isolation between motor
shaft and Encoder, the DFS60
version with through hollow shaft
has a feature which substantially in-
creases interference immunity and
reliability. The DFS60 can therefore
be used in harsh ambient conditi-
ons in any industrial application.
Product options:
· interfaces TTL/RS422,
· Face mount flange and
Servo flange
· Blind hollow shaft and
· Through hollow shaft
· Cable outlet 1.5 m;
3 m and 5 m
can be used radial or axial
· Connector outlet M12 or M23
· 1 to 65,536 lines
programmable by customer
Due to the options available, appli-
cations are diverse, in areas such
· printing machines
· textile machines
· woodworking machines
· packaging machines
Number of lines
1 up to 65,536
Incremental Encoder

PGT-08-S-S03 数据手册

Sick Optic Electronic
32 页 / 4.86 MByte
Sick Optic Electronic
1 页 / 0.05 MByte

PGT08 数据手册

Sick Optic Electronic
Sick Optic Electronic
USB 编程工具,用于 DFS60 编码器### SICK STEGMANN 高分辨率增量编码器DFS60 可编程增量编码器经过编程可产生从 1 到 10000 的任何 PPR。 此外,输入信号是软件(可选):TTL/RS422 或 HTL/推拉式,使 DFS60 成为真正通用的增量编码器。 编程工具包含 USB 引线和 Windows XP/Vista/7 兼容软件,其设计易于使用,可在几秒钟内实现现场编程。 任何 PPR 均可从 1 到 10000 进行编程 可编程输出电平 TTL (RS422) 或 HTL(推挽式) 实心轴或空心轴设计 电子调整零脉冲宽度和位置 密封等级达 IP65 金属码盘,非常坚固 宽温度范围 -30 → +100 °C 灵活、可靠的编码器,适合多种用途
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