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2012-2016 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30000575C-page 1
eXtreme Low-Power Features
Multiple Power Management Options for Extreme
Power Reduction:
-VBAT allows for lowest power consumption on
back-up battery (with or without RTCC)
- Deep Sleep allows near total power-down with the
ability to wake-up on external triggers
- Sleep and Idle modes selectively shut down
peripherals and/or core for substantial power
reduction and fast wake-up
Alternate Clock modes Allow On-the-Fly Switching to
a Lower Clock Speed for Selective Power Reduction
Extreme Low-Power Current Consumption for
Deep Sleep:
- WDT: 650 nA @ 2V typical
- RTCC: 650 nA @ 32 kHz, 2V typical
- Deep Sleep current, 80 nA typical
Universal Serial Bus Features
USB V2.0 Compliant
Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s) and Full Speed (12 Mb/s)
Supports Control, Interrupt, Isochronous and Bulk
Supports up to 32 Endpoints (16 bidirectional)
USB module can use Any RAM Location on the
Device as USB Endpoint Buffers
On-Chip USB Transceiver
Peripheral Features
LCD Display Controller:
- Up to 60 segments by 8 commons
- Internal charge pump and low-power, internal
resistor biasing
- Operation in Sleep mode
Up to Four External Interrupt Sources
Peripheral Pin Select Lite (PPS-Lite):
- Allows independent I/O mapping of many
Four 16-Bit and Four 8-Bit Timers/Counters with
Seven Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules
Three Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP)
- One, two or four PWM outputs
- Selectable polarity
- Programmable dead time
- Auto-shutdown and auto-restart
- Pulse steering control
Hardware Real-Time Clock/Calendar (RTCC):
- Runs in Deep Sleep and V
BAT modes
Two Master Synchronous Serial Ports (MSSP)
modules Featuring:
- 3-Wire/4-Wire SPI (all 4 modes)
- SPI Direct Memory Access (DMA) channel
w/1024 byte count
-Two I
C modules Support Multi-Master/Slave
mode and 7-Bit/10-Bit Addressing
Four Enhanced Addressable USART modules:
- Support RS-485, RS-232 and LIN/J2602
- On-chip hardware encoder/decoder for IrDA
- Auto-wake-up on Auto-Baud Detect
Digital Signal Modulator Provides On-Chip OOK,
FSK and PSK Modulation for a Digital Signal Stream
High-Current Sink/Source 18 mA/18 mA on all Digital I/O
Configurable Open-Drain Outputs on ECCP/CCP/
Extended Microcontroller mode Using 12, 16 or
20-Bit Addressing mode
Analog Features
10/12-Bit, 24-Channel Analog-to-Digital (A/D)
- Conversion rate of 500 ksps (10-bit),
200 kbps (12-bit)
- Conversion available during Sleep and Idle
Three Rail-to-Rail Enhanced Analog Comparators
with Programmable Input/Output Configuration
On-Chip Programmable Voltage Reference
Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):
- Used for capacitive touch sensing, up to
24 channels
- Time measurement down to 1 ns resolution
- CTMU temperature sensing
High-Performance CPU
High-Precision PLL for USB
Two External Clock modes, Up to 64 MHz
(16 MIPS
Internal 31 kHz Oscillator
High-Precision Internal Oscillator with Clock
Recovery from SOSC to Achieve 0.15% Precision,
31 kHz to 8 MHz or 64 MHz w/PLL,
±0.15% Typical, ±1.5% Max.
Secondary Oscillator using Timer1 @ 32 kHz
C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set Architecture
Two Address Generation Units for Separate Read
and Write Addressing of Data Memory
8-Bit LCD Flash Microcontroller with USB and XLP Technology

PIC18F97J94T-I/PT 数据手册

672 页 / 5.58 MByte
36 页 / 1.21 MByte
21 页 / 0.16 MByte
2 页 / 0.1 MByte

PIC18F97J94 数据手册

MICROCHIP  PIC18F97J94-I/PT  微控制器, 8位, 闪存, PIC18FxxJxx, 64 MHz, 128 KB, 3.7714 KB, 100 引脚, TQFP
MICROCHIP  PIC18F97J94-I/PF  微控制器, 8位, 闪存, PIC18FxxJxx, 64 MHz, 128 KB, 4 KB, 100 引脚, TQFP
PIC 64MHz 闪存:64K@x16bit
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