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End of Life (EOL) Change Notice #1506302
W7206F3 Process Change Notice Form rev J
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EOL Date: 6/30/2015 EOL Effective Date: 6/30/2016
Title: CMEMS EOL and LTB for Si501/2/3/4 and Si50122
Originator: David McParland Phone: 512-464-9235 Dept: Timing Marketing
Customer Contact: Kathy Haggar Phone: 512-532-5261 Dept: Inside Sales
PCN Type: End of Life
Last Time Buy (Order) Date: 12/31/2015
PCN Details
Description of Change:
Silicon Labs announces an End of Life (EOL) and Last Time Buy (LTB) for all CMEMS products. This
includes Si501, Si502, Si503, Si504, and Si50122 products.
Due to changes in market conditions, Silicon Labs has decided to discontinue its CMEMS product
line. This decision affects CMEMS products only. All Si5xx XO/VCXO products will continue to be
fully supported and are available in mass production.
The key dates for this EOL are listed in the table below:
EOL Date
Last Time Buy (Order) Date
EOL Effective Date
All orders, including Last Time Buy orders, for these devices must be placed by the Last Order Date
(31 December 2015) and have a customer requested delivery date prior to the EOL Effective date
(30 June 2016). Any orders with a customer requested delivery date between the Last Order Date
and the EOL Effective Date will be non-cancellable and non-returnable (NCNR). Any custom parts
are also NCNR. Orders with a CRD date beyond the EOL Effective Date (30 June 2016) will not be
If you have questions about this EOL, please contact your Silicon Labs sales representative. A list of
Silicon Labs sales representatives is available at www.silabs.com
Reason for Change: End of Life
Impact on Form, Fit, Function, Quality, Reliability: None

501JCA20M0000CAF 数据手册

Silicon Labs(芯科)
4 页 / 0.12 MByte
Silicon Labs(芯科)
7 页 / 0.32 MByte
Silicon Labs(芯科)
2 页 / 0.05 MByte
Silicon Labs(芯科)
2 页 / 0.05 MByte

501JCA20M0000 数据手册

Silicon Labs(芯科)
SILICON LABS  501JCA20M0000CAG  振荡器, MEMS, CMEMS®, Si50x系列, 20 MHz, 20 ppm, 3.3 V, SMD, 3.2mm x 2.5mm, CMOS
Silicon Labs(芯科)
SILICON LABS  501JCA20M0000CAF  振荡器, MEMS, CMEMS®, Si50x系列, 20 MHz, 20 ppm, 3.3 V, SMD, 3.2mm x 2.5mm, CMOS
Silicon Labs(芯科)
SILICON LABS  501JCA20M0000DAG  振荡器, MEMS, CMEMS®, Si50x系列, 20 MHz, 20 ppm, 3.3 V, SMD, 2.5mm x 2mm, CMOS
Silicon Labs(芯科)
SILICON LABS  501JCA20M0000BAG  振荡器, MEMS, CMEMS®, Si50x系列, 20 MHz, 20 ppm, 3.3 V, SMD, 5mm x 3.2mm, CMOS
Silicon Labs(芯科)
Si501 CMEMS® 振荡器,Silicon Laboratories **Si501 LVCMOS 输出 电源电压:1.8V、2.5V 和 3.3V 工业标准印迹:3.2 x 5 mm、2.5 x 3.2mm 和 2 x 2.5mm 低功率和低抖动选项 单频范围:32kHz 至 100MHz 工作温度范围:-20 至 +70°C(扩展商用),-40 至 +85°C(工业用) 频率稳定性:±20/30/50ppm MEMS 振荡器 MEMS 振荡器 - SMT
Silicon Labs(芯科)
Si501 CMEMS® 振荡器,Silicon Laboratories**Si501** MEMS 振荡器设备,基于 Silicon Labs 的专利 **CMEMS**® 专利技术,是完全集成的单片 CMOS + MEMS 振荡器。 它们提供 MEMS 支持,提供标准晶体振荡器的替代品。 **CMEMS** 振荡器 IC 提供高质量可靠性,在工业温度范围可稳定工作 10 年。 Si50x CMEMS 振荡器单芯片设计与同类晶体振荡器 (XO) 兼容,并可顺便作为替代品。 Silabs CMEMS Si501 系列旨在用于工业和嵌入式应用,因为不仅稳定,还具有高水平的抗震/抗振和耐高温。 特别适用于办公室自动化:VoIP 桌面电话、LCD、投影机和多功能打印机。 嵌入式/工业自动化:测试设备、多功能打印机、过程控制、安全监控、LCD 和 HMI 面板。 还有消费者产品:照相机、LCD、电视 和 DVD。 LVCMOS 输出 电源电压:1.8V、2.5V 和 3.3V 工业标准印迹:3.2 x 5 mm、2.5 x 3.2mm 和 2 x 2.5mm 低功率和低抖动选项 单频范围:32kHz 至 100MHz 工作温度范围:-20 至 +70°C(扩展商用),-40 至 +85°C(工业用) 频率稳定性:±20/30/50ppm ### MEMS 振荡器### MEMS 振荡器 - SMT
Silicon Labs(芯科)
Silicon Labs(芯科)
Silicon Labs(芯科)
Silicon Labs(芯科)
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