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Microsemi Corporation
November 5, 2015
Product/Process Change Notification No: PCN1504
Change Classification: Major
Subject: Transfer of Assembly Support for VQG176, VQG128, and TQG176 from Amkor Taiwan (ATT1) to
Amkor Philippines (ATP1), and a Minor Change in the Physical Appearance of VQG128 and VQG176
Description of Change
Devices listed in Appendix A will have the assembly support transferred from ATT1 to ATP1 facility.
Additionally, the VQG176 and VQG128 packages at the ATP1 facility use the Pin Gate molding process and a mold
compound material optimum for that process. The mold gate mark will appear on the top side of the package.
There is no change in the critical dimension of the Package Outline Drawing. There is no change in the device fit and the
electrical and thermal performance.
Reason for Change
Microsemis assembly sub-contract facility, Amkor, will discontinue the lead frame assembly support at ATT1 by the end
of 2015 and will consolidate the assembly support at ATP1.
Upon transfer to ATP1, the VQG176 and VQG128 will utilize an improved lead frame format (which will allow for more
units in a lead frame strip). The use of the pin gate molding process and an optimum molding material is necessary as
part of the lead frame format change. This process has mold entering from the top side and has an identifiable mark (pin
gate). Refer to Figure 1 for additional details.
Application Impact
There is no expected impact to customer applications.
For TQG176, ATP1 will use same set of materials as what is being used at ATT1, and will be produced in the same way
as ATT1. There is no impact on quality and reliability as ATP1 and ATT1 use identical process control.
For VQG128 and VQG176, the mold gate mark does not affect the critical dimension of the Package Outline Drawing.
This also does not impact the device specification as stated in the product data sheets.
Method of Identifying Changed Product
The country from which the units were assembled is marked on the top side of the package. Those assembled at ATT1
shows TWN on the marking while those to be built at ATP1 shows PHL.
For VQG128 and VQG176 packages utilizing the pin gate molding process built at ATP1 can be distinguished by the
mold gate mark at the top side of the package. Refer to Figure 1 at the right side below.

A42MX16-3TQG176 数据手册

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