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¥ 6.877
AD5683RBRMZ 产品修订记录 - ADI(亚德诺)
ANALOG DEVICES AD5683RBRMZ 数模转换器, 16 bit, 串行, 2.7V 至 5.5V, MSOP, 10 引脚
of 6 Go

Product/Process Change Notice - PCN 15_0176 Rev. A
Analog Devices, Inc. Three Technology Way Norwood, Massachusetts 02062-9106
This notice is to inform you of a change that will be made to certain ADI products (see Appendix A) that you may have purchased in the
last 2 years. Any inquiries or requests with this PCN (additional data or samples) must be sent to ADI within 30 days of
publication date. ADI contact information is listed below.
Note: Revised fields are indicated by a red field name. See Appendix B for revision history.
PCN Title: Assembly Transfer of Select 8/10L MSOP Products to Amkor Philippines
Publication Date: 26-Jan-2016
Effectivity Date: 25-Apr-2016 (the earliest date that a customer could expect to receive changed material)
Revision Description:
Correct detailed change description to add Loctite QMI519 die attach and Hitachi CEL8240HF10LX mold compound at Carsem; Remove
devices; Add devices
Description Of Change
ADI will be utilizing Amkor Philippines as the assembly site for select 8/10L MSOP devices.
ADI has qualified Amkor's standard assembly bill of materials. See attachment for changes to die attach and mold compound.
ADI is currently running high volume production on other packages at Amkor Philippines
Reason For Change
ADI is transferring to Amkor Philippines due to current assembly house will no longer support the 8/10L MSOP package by end of 2016
ADI assembly suppliers manufacture ADI products using Analog Devices specified assembly process flows, materials, process controls and
monitors. This assures that ADI customers receive the same level of quality and reliability on products they receive from different
manufacturing locations.
Impact of the change (positive or negative) on fit, form, function & reliability
The device fit, form, function, and reliability, as specified by Product Data Sheets, will be unaffected by this change.
Product Identification (this section will describe how to identify the changed material)
The parts that will be assembled after the transfer will be identified by assembly lot number
Summary of Supporting Information
Qualification has been performed per AEC-Q100, Stress Test Qualification for Integrated Circuits. See attached Qualification Results
Supporting Documents
Attachment 1: Type: Detailed Change Description
Analog Devices, Inc. PCN 15_0176_Rev_A Page 1 of 6
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