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Datasheet 搜索 > EEPROM芯片 > ON Semiconductor(安森美) > CAT24C02WI-GT3A 数据手册 > CAT24C02WI-GT3A 产品修订记录 1/2 页
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Product Discontinuance Notification
Document # : PD20836A
Issue Date: 17 April 2015
Title of Change:
1Q2015 Product Discontinuance Notice
Last Time Buy Date:
17 October 2015
Last Ship Date:
17 April 2016
Contact information:
Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Office or <PCN.Support@onsemi.com >
Type of notification:
Customers must notify ON Semiconductor (<PCN.Support@onsemi.com >) in writing within 90 days of receipt
of this notification if they consider the discontinued product to be "Sole Source." ON Semiconductor and the
customer may negotiate an appropriate End-of-Life.
Description and Purpose:
In an attempt to minimize the number and frequency of product discontinuance notices to its customers, ON Semiconductor is
publishing this quarterly product discontinuance notification.
Some of the devices contained in this notice may be part of a product portfolio renewal process or a manufacturing facility
closure. ON Semiconductor continually monitors worldwide sales and billings activities on all the products offered to its
The activity for the products on the attached device list has declined to a level that warrants the discontinuance of these products
or the manufacturing facility has been announced for a closure. Some devices may have an alternate standard device or a
suggested replacement as an alternative solution.
ON Semiconductor wishes to promptly inform our customer of our intent to exit this small portion of our overall portfolio so that
you may plan appropriately and effectively for replacement devices.
ON Semiconductor has provided a list of replacement devices, where available, to aid in this process.
For those devices that have no recommended replacement identified, ON Semiconductor has partnered with Rochester
Electronics who will carry any remaining device inventory as well as mask sets, etc. to potentially allow for a continued source
after ON Semiconductor has completed its business process.
PLEASE NOTE: ON Semiconductor may implement minimum order quantities or dollar amounts based on inventories available.
Also, Devices on this Product Discontinuance become NCNR (Non-Cancelable, Non-Returnable).
For questions or concerns regarding this notification, please contact your local sales office or customer service representat
Additional contacts are:
PC Wan (pc.wan@onsemi.com)
+1 602 244
Andrej Tomasik (andrej.tomasik@onsemi.com)
+421 33790 2229
Japan & Asia Pacific:
Isao Usuki (isao.usuki@onsemi.com)
+81 3 5817 1060
Japan & Asia Pacific:
Stephen Ng (stephen.ng@onsemi.com)
+852 2689 0209

CAT24C02WI-GT3A 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
21 页 / 0.16 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
47 页 / 1.95 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
2 页 / 0.27 MByte

CAT24C02WIGT3 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
PROM 串行 I²C,ON Semiconductor### EEPROM 串行存取 - ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON SEMICONDUCTOR  CAT24C02WI-GT3A  EEPROM, 2 Kbit, 256 x 8位, 400 kHz, I2C, SOIC, 8 引脚
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
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