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Product Lifecycle Notice
Subject: Product Discontinuance / Obsolescence Notification Products
Publication Date: 4/28/2017
Revision Description:
Initial release
You are hereby provided notice that the Intersil products included on the attached parts list
are being discontinued. As a valued customer, and one that has previously purchased one
or more of such parts, Intersil Corporation is pleased to offer you a final life-of-type
procurement for these parts. Recognizing that you will need some time to analyze your
requirements, Intersil will accept orders for these products through the LTB (Life of Type
Buy) / WITHDRAWN date provided in the attached list. All shipments under such orders
shall be scheduled no later than the SHIP / OBSOLETE date provided. Intersil will attempt to
honor all such purchase orders and scheduled delivery dates, but reserves the right to not
accept new orders or to cancel existing orders if such orders cannot be filled through
reasonable commercial effort.
Please review the lists and make adjustments as necessary in your database.
The information contained herein is intended for the recipients use only. Please limit the
distribution of this material to those individuals within your immediate organization having a
need to act upon the information.
If you are considering a redesign, and require assistance, please contact your local Sales or
Rep office, or the Intersil Corporate Line, 1-888-468-3774, for our Central Applications
Jeffrey Touvell
Jeffrey Touvell
Intersil Corporation

ISL29030IROZ-T7R5430 数据手册

Renesas Electronics(瑞萨电子)
17 页 / 0.51 MByte
Renesas Electronics(瑞萨电子)
5 页 / 0.27 MByte

ISL29030IROZT7 数据手册

Renesas Electronics(瑞萨电子)
Renesas Electronics(瑞萨电子)
Renesas Electronics(瑞萨电子)
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