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Nov 17, 2011
Product data sheet
communication module - for TeSys U - 24 V
Device short name LUL
Range of product TeSys U
Product or component
Communication module
Product compatibility LUCA
Main function available Communication module
Mounting mode Plug-in
Mounting location Front side
Physical interface RS485 multidrop
Bus type Modbus
Cable connector type RJ45 front panel
Communication port protocol Modbus RTU
Addressing 0...31
Transmission rate 19200 bit/s
Return time 30 ms
Number of inputs 2
Input logic Positive at 24 V DC - 7 mA
Response time 10 ms +/- 30 % change to state 0
10 ms +/- 30 % change to state 1
Input type Resistive
Number of outputs 1
2 dedicated to starter-controller coil operation
Output supply 24 V DC network
Output current <= 500 mA
Protection type GG fuse 1 A
Switching current capacity 0.5 mA at 24 V
Local signalling 3 LEDs front panel
Connection pitch 3.81 mm
Connections - terminals Screw clamp terminals 1 cable 0.14...1 mm² - cable stiffness: flexible - without ca-
ble end
Screw clamp terminals 1 cable 0.14...1 mm² - cable stiffness: rigid - without cable
Screw clamp terminals 1 cable 0.25...0.5 mm² - cable stiffness: flexible - with ca-
ble end
Screw clamp terminals 1 cable 0.25...1 mm² - cable stiffness: flexible - with cable
Screw clamp terminals 2 cable 0.14...0.5 mm² - cable stiffness: rigid - without ca-
ble end
Screw clamp terminals 2 cable 0.14...0.75 mm² - cable stiffness: flexible - without
cable end
Screw clamp terminals 2 cable 0.25...0.34 mm² - cable stiffness: flexible - with ca-
ble end
Screw clamp terminals 2 cable 0.5 mm² - cable stiffness: flexible - with cable end
Associated cable type AWG 26...AWG 16

LULC033 数据手册

Schneider Electric(施耐德)
2 页 / 0.04 MByte
Schneider Electric(施耐德)
2 页 / 0.06 MByte
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