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MAX3815CCM+D 其他数据使用手册 - Maxim Integrated(美信)
Maxim Integrated(美信)
Maxim Integrated### 视频,Maxim Integrated
of 9 Go

160 Rio Robles
San Jose, CA 95134
Maxim Integrated utilizes commercially reasonable methods to ensure the accuracy of product compliance information. Information contained
in this document does not amend or alter terms and conditions of sale.
Revision 08/26/21 Page 1
Maxim Integrated REACH Statement
European Union (EU) Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, REACH
The Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is an EU initiative aimed to improve the
protection of human health and the environment through safe usage of chemical substances contained within preparations
and articles. With respect to the REACH initiative, we offer the following information regarding Maxim’s semiconductor
1. Article 7 – Registration
With regard to Article 7(1) of the REACH regulation, articles produced by Maxim do not contain substances intended
to be released under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use and do not contain any Substances of Very
High concern (SVHC) that exceed 1 ton per year. As such, Maxim is not required to notify ECHA under Article 7(1).
2. Article 33 (1) – Communication of Substance Information
Article 33(1) requires a supplier to inform its customers if an article contains a substance(s) on the Substances of Very
High Concern (SVHC) Candidate List in excess of 0.1% weight by weight of that article. On July 8, 2021, ECHA increased
the number of substances on the SVHC List to 219 substances. Maxim continues to evaluate supplier and material
composition declarations and through internal material review, Maxim to the best of its knowledge has determined,
except for the (4) SVHC identified in Appendix 1, the other SVHC are not present above the 0.1% weight in any article
of Maxim’s products or packaging material.
3. Article 67 Substance Restrictions and Article 56 Authorization
Under Articles 67 and 56, substances listed in Annex XVII and Annex XIV are restricted for use by application or require
an authorization prior to use. Maxim to the best of its knowledge and belief have determined that there are no known
Annex XVII restricted substances or Annex XIV substances subject to authorization contained in Maxim products and
REACH SVHC status for semiconductor products can be found at Material Declarations showing
REACH status as “Passed” indicates that there are no SVHC’s above the 0.1% w/w limit present.
Leanne Mallini
Supplier Quality, Environmental Materials
Maxim Integrated, now part of Analog Devices
Leanne Mallini
cn=Leanne Mallini, o=Maxim
Integrated, ou=Environmental
Materials QA,
email=leanne.mallini@maximint, c=US
2021.08.27 08:54:39 -05'00'
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