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Product Change Notification (PCN)
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PCN no.: PCN-104 rev. 1.0
Device affected: All
Device version / Build Code: All
Agreement reference:
Customers reference:
Description of change:
Inclusion of bag seal date information on:
1) Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) label of WLCSP and wafer products
2) Inner box label of all products. The 2D barcode of the inner box label will contain the bag seal date information.
Note: Nordic will continue to ship products from existing inventory with the old labels, until stock has been depleted.
Impact: Does the change affect product:
1. Form No Yes describe:
2. Fit No Yes describe:
3. Function No Yes describe:
4. Quality or Reliability No Yes describe:
Classification of change Minor Major
Reason for change:
To aid the user in determining the shelf life of a product
Consequences of change:
1. The change provides the user an easy reference in calculating the shelf life of the product.
2. User may need to re-configure the application program to match the new 2D barcode’s content and sequence.
Verification of change:
The new labels passed Nordic’s standard qualifications and approval.
Marking/Shipping labels:
2D barcode
Fig 1 Sample MSL label Fig 2 Sample inner box label
Bag seal date
Note: No change on product marking.
2D barcode change: Bag seal date was added before the box ID.
Current content & sequence: Part number|Trace code|quantity |build code |wafer lot no.|box ID
New content & sequence: Part number |Trace code|quantity |build code |wafer lot no.|seal date| box ID

NRF52832-QFAA-T 数据手册

Nordic Semiconductor
2 页 / 0.23 MByte
Nordic Semiconductor
33 页 / 0.23 MByte
Nordic Semiconductor
544 页 / 5.85 MByte
Nordic Semiconductor
2 页 / 0.26 MByte

NRF52832 数据手册

Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic Semiconductor
工作电压:1.7V to 3.6V,工作频率:2.4GHz
Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic Semiconductor
RF片上系统 - SoC Bluetooth 4.2 & 5 NFC tag QFN 48
Nordic Semiconductor
SoC, 射频收发器, 2.36GHz至2.5GHz, FSK, 2Mbps, 4dBm输出, -89dBm输入, 1.7V至3.6V, QFN-48
Nordic Semiconductor
RF片上系统 - SoC BLE 2.4GHZ WLCSP 7"
Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic Semiconductor
Nordic Semiconductor
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