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STM32F401RBT6 产品描述及参数 - ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
STMICROELECTRONICS STM32F401RBT6 微控制器, 32位, 动态效率线, ARM 皮质-M4, 84 MHz, 128 KB, 64 KB, 64 引脚, LQFP
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May 2014 DocID018733 Rev 4 1/11
Technical note
Overview of the STM32F0x/F100xx/F103xx and
STM32F2xx/F30x/F4xx MCUs PMSM single/dual FOC SDK V4.0
This technical note is an overview of the main features of the Motor Control Software
Development Kit (generically called software library) designed for and to be used with
STM32F0xx, STM32F100xx, STM32F103xx, STM32F2xx, STM32F302xB/C,
STM32F303xB/C and STM32F4xx MCUs. The library exploits a new sensorless technique
that, in conjunction with an I-PMSM motor, is able to extend the range of allowed speed to
zero. This novel sensor-less algorithm takes benefit of the motor structure in order to detect
the rotor angular position even when the motor is at low speed or still. In this note we will
refer to this technique as “High Frequency Injection”, or HFI. This new algorithm takes
benefit of the floating point unit of STM32F30x and STM32F4xx MCUs.The software library
implements the Field Oriented Control (FOC) drive of 3-phase Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motors (PMSM), both Surface Mounted (SM-PMSM) and Internal (I-PMSM).
The PMSM FOC library can be used to quickly evaluate ST microcontrollers and complete
ST application platforms, and to save time when developing Motor Control algorithms to be
run on ST microcontrollers. It is written in C language, and implements the core Motor
Control algorithms (reference frame transformations, currents regulation, speed regulation,
space-vector modulation, energy efficiency optimizations) as well as sensor
reading/decoding algorithms (three shunts, ST-patented single DC link shunt, isolated
current sensors, incremental encoder, hall sensors) and a sensorless algorithm for rotor
position reconstruction.The library can be easily configured to make use of STM32F30x's
embedded advanced analog peripheral set (fast comparators and Programmable Gain
Amplifiers, PGA) for current sensing and protection, thus simplifying application board.
When deployed with STM32F103xx (Flash memory from 256KBytes to 1MByte),
STM32F2xx, STM32F303xB/C or STM32F4xx devices, the library allows simultaneous dual
FOC of two different motors. The library can be customized to suit user application
parameters (motor, sensors, power stage, control stage, pin-out assignment) and provides a
ready-to-use Application Programming Interface (API).
A user project has been implemented to demonstrate how to interact with the Motor Control
API. This project provides LCD and UART User Interface, thus representing a convenient
real-time fine-tuning and remote control tool. A PC Graphical User Interface (GUI), the ST
MC Workbench, allows a complete and easy customization of the PMSM FOC library. In
conjunction with the ST motor control starter kits, a PMSM motor can be made to run in a
very short time. Moreover a set of ready-to-use examples are provided together with the
library to explain the usage of the motor control API and it's most common features.
Table 1. Applicable products
Type Applicable products
STM32F030C6/C8/K6/R8, STM32F050C6/G6/K6,
STM32F051C6/C8/K6/K8/R6/R8, STM32F100 Value line, STM32F103,
STM32F2 Series, STM32F302xB/xC, STM32F303xB/xC, STM32F4 Series
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