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1. PCN basic data
1.1 Company STMicroelectronics International N.V
1.2 PCN No. MDG/19/10690
1.3 Title of PCN ASE Kaohsiung (Taiwan) additional source for UFBGA 5X5 7x7 10x10 package products
1.4 Product Category UFBGA 5X5 7x7 10x10 listed products
1.5 Issue date 2019-03-08
2. PCN Team
2.1 Contact supplier
2.1.2 Phone +1 5148333778
2.1.3 Email frank.schifano@st.com
2.2 Change responsibility
2.2.1 Product Manager Ricardo Antonio DE SA EARP
2.1.2 Marketing Manager Veronique BARLATIER
2.1.3 Quality Manager Pascal NARCHE
3. Change
3.1 Category 3.2 Type of change 3.3 Manufacturing Location
Transfer Line transfer for a full process or process brick
(process step, control plan, recipes) from one
site to another site: Assembly site (SOP 2617)
ASE Kaohsiung Taiwan
4. Description of change
Old New
4.1 Description Back-end source:
- Amkor ATP Philippines
Back-end sources:
- Amkor ATP Philippines
- ASE Kaohsiung Taiwan - Additional source
For more information, please refer to
PCN10690 – Additional information attached
4.2 Anticipated Impact on form,fit,
function, quality, reliability or
Visual aspect (color) might change depending on substrate material.
Package darkness might change depending on molding compound.
Ball1 identifier remain in the same corner but might change in terms of form and positioning.
Marking position and size could be different upon assembly site, without any loss of
5. Reason / motivation for change
5.1 Motivation Due to the success on the market of STM32 devices, ST Microcontrollers Division decided to
qualify an additional back-end site to maintain state of the art service level to our customers
thanks to extra capacity.
5.2 Customer Benefit CAPACITY INCREASE
6. Marking of parts / traceability of change
6.1 Description Change is visible through assembly traceability plant, in the marking:
- “7B” for Amkor ATP Philippines
- “AA” for ASE Kaohsiung Taiwan
Please refer to PCN 10690 – Additional information attached document.
7. Timing / schedule
7.1 Date of qualification results 2019-04-24
7.2 Intended start of delivery 2019-05-24
7.3 Qualification sample available? Upon Request

STM32L412RBI6 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
3 页 / 0.11 MByte

STM32L412 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
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ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
ARM MCU微控制单元, STM32 Family STM32L4 Series Microcontrollers, ARM 皮质-M4, 32位, 80 MHz, 128 KB, 40 KB
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