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May 29, 2013
Product data sheet
analog input module - 8 I - 200..600 °C - 12 bits -
24 V DC - RJ11 connectors
Product availability: Non-Stock - Not normally stocked in distribution facility
Price*: 518.00 USD
Commercial Status Commercialised
Range of product Modicon M238 logic controller
Product or component
Analog input module
Analogue input number 8
Analogue input type Temperature probe - 50...200 °C Pt 1000 non differential
Temperature probe - 200...600 °C Pt 100 non differential
Range compatibility Advantys OTB
Analogue input resolution 12 bits
LSB value 0.2 °C Pt 100
0.006 °C Pt 1000
Input impedance >= 10 kOhm
Sampling duration <= 160 ms
Acquisition period 320 ms per group of channel + 1 controller cycle time
Measurement error +/- 0.5 % of full scale Pt 100 25 °C
+/- 0.3 % of full scale Pt 1000 25 °C
Temperature coefficient +/-0.01 %FS/°C
Repeat accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Total error 4 °C Pt 100
1 °C Pt 1000
Insulation between channel and internal logic Photocoupler
Supply External supply
[Us] rated supply voltage 24 V DC
Supply voltage limits 19.2...30 V
Electrical connection 8 connectors RJ11 sensors
1 removable screw terminal block power supply
Current consumption 90 mA 5 V DC internal
<= 140 mA 24 V DC external
Product weight 0.42 lb(US) (0.19 kg)


Schneider Electric(施耐德)
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TM2ARI8 数据手册

Schneider Electric(施耐德)
Twido 模拟输入/输出模块所有模拟模块均带有可拆卸的螺钉接线端子 ### Schneider Electric Twido 数字和模拟输入/输出模块和 HMI外形小巧的 Twido 数字和模拟输入、输出和输入/输出模块,可选择以下内容:数字输入模块:8 点、16 点和 32 点,配有端子块或连接器布线 数字输出模块:8 点和 16 点继电器输出模块;8 点、16 点和 32 点的晶体管电流阱输出模块;以及 8 点、16 点和 32 点晶体管电流源输出模块,配有端子块或连接器布线 数字输入和输出混合模块,包含一个带有端子块布线的 4 点输入/4 点输出模块,和一个带有线夹端子块布线的 16 点输入/8 点输出模块
Schneider Electric(施耐德)
控制器 EXPANSION, 8 PT100/ PT1000 ANA, RJ11
Schneider Electric(施耐德)
Twido 模拟输入/输出模块所有模拟模块均带有可拆卸的螺钉接线端子 ### Schneider Electric Twido 数字和模拟输入/输出模块和 HMI外形小巧的 Twido 数字和模拟输入、输出和输入/输出模块,可选择以下内容:数字输入模块:8 点、16 点和 32 点,配有端子块或连接器布线 数字输出模块:8 点和 16 点继电器输出模块;8 点、16 点和 32 点的晶体管电流阱输出模块;以及 8 点、16 点和 32 点晶体管电流源输出模块,配有端子块或连接器布线 数字输入和输出混合模块,包含一个带有端子块布线的 4 点输入/4 点输出模块,和一个带有线夹端子块布线的 16 点输入/8 点输出模块
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