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Structural Adhesives
In today’s world, successful new products demand advancements in both design and
manufacturing processes. Industrial engineering and design professionals around the world
depend on 3M Scotch-Weld Structural Adhesives to help them design beyond the limits of
mechanical fasteners to create next generation products.
Trusted Innovations from Aerospace to Office Space
With over 50 years of experience developing innovative structural adhesives for aerospace, automotive and hundreds
of other industries, 3M delivers the solutions you can trust. Our advanced formulations create durable bonds, even on
challenging materials or in extreme conditions.
Advanced Product Designs and Process Innovations
The benefits of designing and building products with 3M Scotch-Weld Structural Adhesives help drive product success.
Freedom of Design: Improve aesthetics, reduce weight and noise, enhance corrosion and fatigue resistance, and more.
Process Efficiencies: Speed production with quiet, fast and easy manufacturing processes.
Low Odor Advantages: Improve your environment with 3M’s low odor structural adhesives.
Dispensing Options: Dispense by hand or with automated equipment.
3M Global Service and Support
3M supports our customers with the testing, technology, and training needed to create better products. Our
world-wide support staff has the experience you can rely on for everything from structural adhesive selection to
process improvement.
Leverage 3M’s proven selection of structural adhesives, deep industry expertise, and technical support to your
advantage. Design with Confidence. Build to Last.
Improving Product and Process

DP8010 数据手册

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