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December 2012 Doc ID 13465 Rev 12 1/85
User manual
STM32 USB-FS-Device development kit
The STM32 USB-FS-Device development kit is a complete firmware and software package
including examples and demos for all USB transfer types (control, interrupt, bulk and
The aim of the STM32 USB-FS-Device development kit is to use the STM32 USB-FS-
Device library with at least one firmware demo per USB transfer type.
This document presents a description of all the components of the STM32 USB-FS-Device
development kit, including:
STM32 USB-FS-Device library: All processes related to default endpoint and standard
Device firmware upgrade (DFU) demo: Control transfer
Joystick mouse demo: Interrupt transfer
Custom HID demo: Interrupt transfer
Mass storage demo: Bulk transfer
Virtual COM port: Interrupt and bulk transfer
CDC LoopBack demo: Interrupt and bulk transfer
Composite Example: Interrupt and bulk transfer
USB voice speaker demo (USB speaker): Isochronous transfer
Note: Starting from this release, STM32F105/F107 are no longer supported. These devices are
supported by the STM32 USB OTG Host and Device Library. For more details, please refer
to user manual UM1021.
Table 1. Applicable products
Type Part numbers or product categories
STM32F102xx and STM32F103xx series
STM32 L1 Ultra Low Power
STM32 F3 Series

STM32F100RBT6B 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
95 页 / 1.51 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
85 页 / 1.73 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
4 页 / 0.22 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
34 页 / 0.57 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
11 页 / 0.09 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
3 页 / 0.11 MByte

STM32F100RBT6 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
STMICROELECTRONICS  STM32F100RBT6B  微控制器, 32位, 线路接入, ARM 皮质-M3, 24 MHz, 128 KB, 8 KB, 64 引脚, LQFP
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
低和中等密度值线,先进的基于ARM的32位MCU低和中等密度值线,先进的基于ARM的32位MCU Low & medium-density value line, advanced ARM-based 32-bit MCU Low & medium-density value line, advanced ARM-based 32-bit MCU
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