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MAX7311 数据手册
MAX7311 系列
2线接口,16位I / O端口扩展器,带有中断和热插入保护 2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protection
更新于: 2023/01/13 02:36:44 (UTC + 8)
MAX7311 - 数据手册
MAX7311 数据手册 -
27 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
2线接口,16位I / O端口扩展器,带有中断和热插入保护 2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protection
17 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS MAX7311AUG+ 输入/输出扩展, 16bit, 400 kHz, I2C, 2 V, 5.5 V, TSSOP
17 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS MAX7311AWG+ 输入/输出扩展, 16bit, 400 kHz, I2C, 2 V, 5.5 V, WSOIC
17 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS MAX7311ATG+ 输入/输出扩展, 16bit, 400 kHz, I2C, 2 V, 5.5 V, TQFN
17 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS MAX7311AAG+ 输入/输出扩展, 16bit, 400 kHz, I2C, 2 V, 5.5 V, SSOP
16 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
2线接口,16位I / O端口扩展器,带有中断和热插入保护 2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protection
16 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
2线接口,16位I / O端口扩展器,带有中断和热插入保护 2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protection
16 页
Maxim Integrated(美信)
2线接口,16位I / O端口扩展器,带有中断和热插入保护 2-Wire-Interfaced 16-Bit I/O Port Expander with Interrupt and Hot-Insertion Protection
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