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4: PSoC 4100 Family
Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC
Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 95134-1709 408-943-2600
Document Number: 001-87220 Rev. *E Revised April 29, 2015
General Description
4 is a scalable and reconfigurable platform architecture for a family of mixed-signal programmable embedded system
controllers with an ARM
Cortex™-M0 CPU. It combines programmable and re-configurable analog and digital blocks with flexible
automatic routing. The PSoC 4100 product family, based on this platform, is a combination of a microcontroller with digital program-
mable logic, high-performance analog-to-digital conversion, opamps with Comparator mode, and standard communication and timing
peripherals. The PSoC 4100 products will be fully upward compatible with members of the PSoC 4 platform for new applications and
design needs. The programmable analog and digital sub-systems allow flexibility and in-field tuning of the design.
32-bit MCU Sub-system
24-MHz ARM Cortex-M0 CPU with single-cycle multiply
Up to 32 kB of flash with Read Accelerator
Up to 4 kB of SRAM
Programmable Analog
Two opamps with reconfigurable high-drive external and
high-bandwidth internal drive and Comparator modes and ADC
input buffering capability
12-bit 806 Ksps SAR ADC with differential and single-ended
modes and Channel Sequencer with signal averaging
Two current DACs (IDACs) for general-purpose or capacitive
sensing applications on any pin
Two low-power comparators that operate in Deep Sleep
Low Power 1.71-V to 5.5-V operation
20-nA Stop Mode with GPIO pin wakeup
Hibernate and Deep Sleep modes allow wakeup-time versus
power trade-offs
Capacitive Sensing
Cypress CapSense Sigma-Delta (C"Five different packa-
gesSD) provides best-in-class SNR (>5:1) and water tolerance
Cypress supplied software component makes capacitive
sensing design easy
Automatic hardware tuning (SmartSense™)
Segment LCD Drive
LCD drive supported on all pins (common or segment)
Operates in Deep Sleep mode with 4 bits per pin memory
Serial Communication
Two independent run-time reconfigurable serial communi-
cation blocks (SCBs) with reconfigurable I
Timing and Pulse-Width Modulation
Four 16-bit timer/counter pulse-width modulator (TCPWM)
Center-aligned, Edge, and Pseudo-random modes
Comparator-based triggering of Kill signals for motor drive and
other high reliability digital logic applications
Up to 36 Programmable GPIOs
Any GPIO pin can be CapSense, LCD, analog, or digital
Drive modes, strengths, and slew rates are programmable
Five different packages
48-pin TQFP, 44-pin TQFP, 40-pin QFN, 35-ball WLCSP, and
28-pin SSOP package
35-ball WLCSP package is shipped with I
C Bootloader in
PSoC Creator Design Environment
Integrated Development Environment provides schematic
design entry and build (with analog and digital automatic
Applications Programming Interface (API Component) for all
fixed-function and programmable peripherals
Industry Standard Tool Compatibility
After schematic entry, development can be done with
ARM-based industry-standard development tools

CY8C4125LQI-483T 数据手册

Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
43 页 / 1.07 MByte
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
25 页 / 0.24 MByte

CY8C4125LQI483 数据手册

Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR  CY8C4125LQI-483  微控制器, 32位, PSoC 4系列, ARM 皮质-M0, 24 MHz, 32 KB, 4 KB, 40 引脚, QFN
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
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