Datasheet 搜索 > 连接器与适配器 > Souriau(苏里奥) > 85106E1412S5066 数据手册 > 85106E1412S5066 数据手册 1/26 页

¥ 328.254
85106E1412S5066 数据手册 - Souriau(苏里奥)
of 26 Go

851 Series
specification - olive green cadmium plate (without specification)
29 black anodized (solder contacts)
031 black anodized (crimp contacts)
44 nickel plate
38 nickel plate
backshell for screen termination, type T* and RT*
42 olive green cadmium plate
Q7 olive green cadmium plate, salt spray 500 hr - for crimp and solder contacts
R3 olive green cadmium plate, salt spray 500 hr - for straight spills contacts
66 crimp version: delivered without backshell, nor conical ring / Solder version idem crimp version + no grommet
G4 crimp version: nickel plating, delivered without backshell, nor conical ring / Solder version idem crimp version + no grommet
obligatory suffix
B crimped version without clip which used layouts 8-2 / 8-3 / 8-4 / 12-14
50 - Crimp contacts: gold, plated, all sizes
- Solder contacts: size 20, contacts with gold plated active zone + tin plated termination area. Except layouts 8-2,8-3,12-14
size 16, gold plated contact all over / Mix size 20 + size 16, gold plated contacts all over
51 solder contacts gold plated size 20 & size 16
52 zinc cobalt olive green plated (contacts : idem specif. 50)
54 black zinc nickel plating (contacts: idem specif. 50 / black zinc cobalt backshell (contacts idem specif. 50)
orientation normal (not included in part number) w, x, y, z, see table p 15
contact type P = male - S = female
contact layout see table p 14
shell size 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 - 22 - 24
backshell type see table next page
shell type
solder crimp
00 00 - square flange receptacle accepting backshells
01 01 - cable connecting receptacle
02E 02R - square flange receptacle not accepting backshells
07 07 - jam nut receptacle accepting backshells
07A - jam nut receptacle not accepting backshells
06 06 - plug for use with straight backshells
08 08 - plug for use with 90° backshells
36 36 - screened plug for use with straight backshells
76 76 - screened plug with lock finger
Former connector for military applications.
Now used in the fields of professional and
general electronics.
• Bayonet coupling
• Environmental and hermetic versions
• Solder, crimp, straight spills and wire wrap
• Thermocouple contacts available
• Cadmium free plating (Zinc Cobalt) version
• Contact resistance :
- environmental version :
size 20 ≤ 4 mΩ size 16 ≤3 mΩ
- hermetic version :
size 20 ≤ 30 mΩ size 16 ≤ 14 mΩ
• Shielding ≤70 dB to 5 MHz
40 dB to 100 MHz
• Working temperature : -55°C to +125°C
• Sealing :
- crimp contact version, 1 bar differential pres-
sure, leakage ≤ 8 cm
- solder contact version, 2 bar differential pres-
sure, leakage ≤ 16 cm
• Hermiticity : 1 bar differential pressure leakage
≤ 2,8 mm
• Chemical resistance :
- to MIL-C 26482 G Series 1 and
- NFC 93422-HE 301 B code A
• Resistance to salt spray : 48 hours at environ-
mental temperature
• Damp heat : 21 days
• Vibration : to NFC 20-616
• Dielectric withstanding voltage :
• at standard pressure :
mated and unmated connectors
- 1 500 Vrms between size 20 contacts (service 1)
- 2 300 Vrms between size 16 contacts (service 2)
- 1 500 Vrms between mixed size 20
and 16 contacts (service 1)
• at reduced pressure (10 mbar) :
connectors mated and unmated
- 200 Vrms between size 20 contacts (service 1)
- 300 Vrms between size 16 contacts (service 2)
• Insulation resistance : ≥ 5 000 MΩ under 500 Vdc
• Current rating per contact :
size 20 : 7.5 A size 16 : 13 A
MIL-C 26482 G Series 1
NFC 93422-He 301 B
VG 95328
GAM T1 list
QPL approved (solder version)
• Shell :
• environmental version : aluminum alloy
- olive green cadmium
- black anodized
- white cadmium
- satin finish bright nickel
- zinc cobalt (olive green)
• hermetic version : steel
plating : - iridescent yellow cadmium, nickel
• Insulator :
- front section : neoprene elastomer (85 shore)
- rear section : neoprene elastomer (40 shore)
• Contact :
- crimp : inserted and removed from rear of insulator
retained by metallic clip ; solder and straight spills :
non removable ; wire wrap : removable or not re-
- material : copper alloy
- plating : gold overall or gold plated active zone
and tin/lead plated termination
- min retention force of contacts in insulator
basic series
solder version 851 - 00 E 8 - 3A P • 50 •••
crimp version 851 - 00 R 8 - 3A P • 50 •••
contact size
20 (Ø 1 mm)
16 (Ø 1.6 mm)
≥ 68 N
≥ 113 N
solder straight spill ww
≥ 68 N
≥ 113 N
• Mechanical endurance :
500 cycles (full mating-unmating)
Ordering information - Environmental connectors
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