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DS90C387R 85MHz Dual 12-Bit Double Pumped Input LDI Transmitter - VGA/UXGA
Check for Samples: DS90C387R
The DS90C387R transmitter is designed to support
Complies with Open LDI Specification for
pixel data transmission from a Host to a Flat Panel
Digital Display Interfaces
Display up to UXGA resolution. It is designed to be
25 to 85MHz Clock Support
compatible with Graphics Memory Controller Hub
Supports VGA through UXGA Panel
(GMCH) by implementing two data per clock and can
be controlled by a two-wire serial communication
interface. Two input modes are supported: one port of
Up to 4.76Gbps Bandwidth in Dual 24-bit RGB
12-bit( two data per clock) input for 24-bit RGB, and
In-to-Dual Pixel Out Application
two ports of 12-bit( two data per clock) input for dual
Dual 12-bit Double Pumped Input DVO Port
24-bit RGB( 48-bit total). In both modes, input data
will be clocked on both rising and falling edges in
Pre-Emphasis Reduces Cable Loading Effects
LVTTL level operation, or clocked on the cross over
Drives Long, Low Cost Cables
of differential clock signals in the low swing operation.
DC Balance Data Transmission Provided by
Each input data width will be 1/2 of clock cycle. With
Transmitter Reduces ISI Distortion
an input clock at 85MHz and input data at 170Mbps,
the maximum transmission rate of each LVDS line is
Transmitter Rejects Cycle-to-Cycle Jitter (±2ns
595Mbps, for a aggregate throughput rate of
of Input Bit Period)
2.38Gbps/4.76Gbps. It converts 24/48 bits
Support both LVTTL and Low Voltage Level
(Single/Dual Pixel 24-bit color) of data into 4/8 LVDS
Input (Capable of 1.0 to 1.8V)
(Low Voltage Differential Signaling) data streams.
Two-Wire Serial Communication Interface up
DS90C387R can be programmed via the two-wire
to 400 KHz
serial communication interface. The LVDS output pin-
out is identical to DS90C387. Thus, this transmitter
Programmable Input Clock and Control Strobe
can be paired up with DS90CF388, receiver of the
112MHz LDI chipset or FPD-Link Receivers in non-
Backward Compatible Configuration with
DC Balance mode operation which provides GUI/LCD
112MHz LDI and FPD-Link
panel/mother board vendors a wide choice of inter-
operation with LVDS based TFT panels.
Optional Second LVDS Clock for Backward
Compatibility with FPD-Link Receivers
DS90C387R also comes with features that can be
Compatible with TIA/EIA-644
found on DS90C387. Cable drive is enhanced with a
user selectable pre-emphasis feature that provides
additional output current during transitions to
counteract cable loading effects. DC Balancing on a
cycle-to-cycle basis is also provided to reduce ISI
(Inter-Symbol Interference), control signals (VSYNC,
HSYNC, DE) are sent during blanking intervals. With
pre-emphasis and DC Balancing, a low distortion eye-
pattern is provided at the receiver end of the cable.
These enhancements allow cables 5 to 15+ meters in
length to be driven depending on media characteristic
and pixel clock speed. Pre-emphasis is available in
both the DC Balanced and Non-DC Balanced modes.
In the Non-DC Balanced mode backward
compatibility with FPD-Link Receivers is obtained.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
2All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.
Copyright © 2000–2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas
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necessarily include testing of all parameters.

DS90C387RVJD/NOPB 数据手册

32 页 / 1.33 MByte
4 页 / 0.23 MByte

DS90C387 数据手册

+3.3V 双像素 LVDS 显示接口 (LDI)-SVGA/QXGA
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
双像素LVDS显示接口( LDI ) = SVGA / QXGA Dual Pixel LVDS Display Interface (LDI)=SVGA/QXGA
FlatLink/FPD-Link 串行器/串并行转换器,Texas InstrumentsLVDS 发射器适合与以 65 和 85 MHz 工作的 24位 FPD(平板显示屏)链路一起工作。LVCMOS/LVTTL 输入 3.3V 低功耗工作 PLL 发射器数据时钟 符合 TIA/EIA-644 LVDS 标准 ### LVDS 通信低压差分信号或 LVDS 是可以在廉价双绞线铜电缆上以极高速度运行的电子信号系统。应用:Firewire、SATA、SCSI
+3.3V 双像素 LVDS 显示接口 (LDI)-SVGA/QXGA 100-TQFP -10 to 70
FlatLink/FPD-Link(LVDS,用于 LCD),Texas InstrumentsLVDS 发射器适合与以 65 和 85 MHz 工作的 24位 FPD(平板显示屏)链路一起工作。LVCMOS/LVTTL 输入 3.3V 低功耗工作 PLL 发射器数据时钟 符合 TIA/EIA-644 LVDS 标准 ### LVDS 通信低压差分信号或 LVDS 是可以在廉价双绞线铜电缆上以极高速度运行的电子信号系统。应用:Firewire、SATA、SCSI
+3.3V 双像素 LVDS 显示接口 (LDI)-SVGA/QXGA 100-TQFP -10 to 70
85MHz 双路 12 位双泵输入 LDI 发送器 VGA/UXGA 100-TQFP -10 to 70
85MHz 双路 12 位双泵输入 LDI 发送器 VGA/UXGA 100-TQFP -10 to 70
National Semiconductor(美国国家半导体)
双像素LVDS显示接口( LDI ) -SVGA / QXGA Dual Pixel LVDS Display Interface (LDI)-SVGA/QXGA
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