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16-bit Embedded Control Solutions
Intelligent Analog
PIC MCUs with Intelligent Analog
Analog design is difficult and consumes precious
development time. Microchip’s intelligent PIC MCUs
integrate analog functions such as high-performance ADCs,
DACs and op amps, providing simple-to-use interfaces
that ease analog design. This single-chip solution enables
reduced system noise and provides higher throughput,
while dramatically reducing design time and cost.
Benefi ts of Analog Integration
Eliminates the complicated task of debugging the noise
sources that reduce analog signal integrity
Removes the bottleneck of communicating to the
microcontroller from analog
Provides consistent analog performance that can be
leveraged from design to design, eliminating analog
design rework
Through intelligent connections made inside the chip,
the analog is fully controlled by software
Benefi ts include a simplifi ed design cycle, board space
savings, faster throughput and better signal integrity
Intelligent analog leads to lower-cost designs that are
brought to market faster
Target Applications
Environmental quality sensors
Portable medical equipment (glucose meters, portable
ECGs, pulse oximeters, blood pressure meters)
Industrial equipment (gas sensors, handheld multi-meters,
lab instrumentation, e-meters, sensor arrays)
Featuring the PIC24FJ128GC010 Family
with Intelligent Analog
The PIC24 “GC” family integrates a precision 16-bit ADC,
high-speed 12-bit ADC, DAC and op amps with interconnect
fabric providing the most analog integration available in a
PIC MCU. With on-chip USB and segmented LCD driver, this
family is ideal for portable devices with user interfaces.
16-bit Delta-Sigma ADC
12-bit 10 MSPS Pipeline ADC
10-bit 1 MSPS DAC
Dual op amps
eXtreme Low Power: 18 nA deep sleep,
180 μA/MHz Run
Development Tools
MPLAB® Starter Kit for PIC24F Intelligent
Integrated Analog (DM240015)
This kit includes an analog
header for clean analog signals
and plugs into breadboards.
The board includes connections
for microphone, headphones
as well as on-board light and
temperature sensors. The
segmented display showcases custom icons and a scrolling
banner. The board also includes cap touch buttons, USB
connection and easy connection for RF modules.
Featured Intelligent Analog PIC MCU Families
Product Family Pin Count Flash (KB) ADC DAC Op Amp Other
PIC24F16KM204 20–44 8–16
22 × 12-bit
(100 ksps)
2 × 8-bit 2
Internal voltage reference, CLC, MCCP, SCCP
(16-bit PWM), CTMU, three comparators, 3V
and 5V operation
PIC24FJ128GC010 64–100 64–128
2 × 16-bit
Delta-Sigma ADC
50 × 12-bit ADC
(10 Msps)
2 × 10-bit 2
Analog interconnect switch matrix, internal
voltage reference, CTMU, PWM, USB, LCD,
mTouch® technology
dsPIC33EP64GS506 28–64 16–64
22 × 12-bit with 5 S/H
(3.25 Msps)
2 × 12-bit 2
1.04 ns PWM resolution, four rail-to-rail
comparators with dedicated DACs for each
analog comparator, two oversampling fi lters for
increased resolution
dsPIC33EP256GP506 28–64 32–256
1.1 Msps 10-bit with
4 S/H or 500 ksps 12-bit
with 1 S/H (confi gurable)
Flexible ADC trigger sources, CTMU for
temperature or touch, CAN, Peripheral Trigger
Generator (PTG), four comparators

DSPIC30F3011-30I/P 数据手册

20 页 / 7.79 MByte
50 页 / 0.69 MByte
66 页 / 1.52 MByte
52 页 / 0.06 MByte
18 页 / 0.3 MByte
120 页 / 0.32 MByte
1 页 / 0.14 MByte

DSPIC30F301130 数据手册

dsPIC30 系列 1 kB RAM 24 kB 闪存 16位 数字信号控制器 - TQFP-44
MICROCHIP  DSPIC30F3011-30I/P  数字信号控制器, dsPIC30F系列, 40 MHz, 24 KB, 30 输入, I2C, SPI, UART, 5.5 V
DSPIC30F 数字信号控制器dsPIC30F 数字信号控制器提供 DSP 性能的同时简化了 MCU。 dsPIC30F 最适用于受益于广泛的工作电压(2.5 至 5.5 V)、极低待机电流、集成 EEPROM 的应用以及因系统顾虑而选择 5V 操作的设计师。 30MIPS dsPIC30F 变体集成了 SMPS 外设、电动机控制外设和编解码器接口,为高效数字功率转换器,高级电动机控制算法以及语音和音频应用提供支持。 小封装 DSC具有高性能 ADC,非常适合智能感应应用。### dsPIC® 数字信号控制器
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