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MS3456L12S-3S-LC 数据手册 - Aero Conesys
Aero Conesys
of 25 Go
5015 S III
– –
MIL-DTL-5015 Series III /AS50151
Part Number Development
Rear Release
Military and Aero-Electric Part Number Development
Note 1: Each connector is furnished with contacts unless
ordered less contacts (L/C) as follows: One spare contact for
inserts requiring 2 to 26 of each contact and two spares for
inserts with 27 or more of each size, and a minimum of one
sealing plug up to 15% of the number contacts. No spares or
seal plugs are provided with one contact layouts. No spares
or seal plugs for contact sizes 0 and 4 are provided. For
contact size 8, no contact spares are provided, but seal plugs
are included. In addition, one insertion/removal tool of each
size is included.
Note 2: KS and KT rewall classes are only available to
Military part numbers for shell types MS3450, MS3456
and MS3459. KS and KT classes are available to Aero
callouts for AE551 and 554, but not for AE552 (box mount
Note 3: Proper part number marking has no “0” in front
of single digit (numeric) shell size (8S) and no “0” in front of
single digit layout. Examples: J MS3450W8S-1S and
J MS3450W24-2PW. Please note that J or JAN marking is
required immediately in front of MS part number.
Mil. Prex MS34 50 L 14S - 5 P X
Aero Prex AE5 50 L 14S - 5 P X -340
Shell Type
50 = Wall mount receptacle
51 = Cable connecting receptacle
52 = Box mount receptacle
54 = Jam nut receptacle
56 = Straight plug
59 = Self-locking plug
Class (Material and Finish)
A = Aluminum shell, black anodized nish (Aero part number only)
KS = Stainless steel shell, passivated, rewall (n/a in MS3451, MS3452, MS3454)
KT = Carbon steel shell, cadmium nish, rewall (n/a in MS3451, MS3452, MS3454)
LS = Stainless steel shell, passivated
L = Aluminum shell, electroless nickel nish
W = Aluminum shell, olive drab cadmium over electroless nickel base
Shell Size
8S, 10S, 10SL, 12, 12S, 14, 14S, 16, 16S, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 36 or 40
Insert Arrangement
See pages 82 thru 87
Contact Style
P = Pin
S = Socket
A = Pin connector less pins (with intent to use non-std contact)
B = Socket connector less sockets (with intent to use non-std contacts)
N = Normal (not included in part number)
W, X, Y or Z = Alternate insert polarizations (see pages 77 thu 81 for position availability)
Modication (applies to Aero part numbers only)
01 = Less contacts (is not marked on the part)
340 = Connector kitted with M85049/31-XXX E-nut
341 = Connector kitted with M85049/52-1-XXX straight clamp
342 = Connector kitted with M85049/51-1-XXX right angle clamp
Consult factory for other modications
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