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Final Product/Process Change Notification
Document# : P751AAB
Issue Date : May. 30, 2017
Page 1 of 52
Title of Change:
Changes to former Fairchild Part Numbers containing an ‘underscore’, replacing with ‘dash’ (hyphen).
Proposed first ship date:
October 30, , 2017
Contact information:
Contact your local ON Semiconductor Sales Office
Not applicable for this change.
Additional Reliability Data:
Not applicable for this change.
Type of notification:
This is a Final Product/Process Change Notification (FPCN) sent to customers. FPCNs are issued 90 days prior to
implementation of the change.ON Semiconductor will consider this change accepted, unless an inquiry is made in writing
within 30 days of delivery of this notice. To do so, contact <PCN.Support@onsemi.com>.
Change Part Identification:
Affected Part Numbers are identified in the attached Affected Part List.
Change category:
Wafer Fab Change Assembly Change Test Change Other: Orderable Part Number
Change Sub-Category(s):
Manufacturing Site Change/Addition Manufacturing Process Change Material Change
Product specific change
Datasheet/Product Doc change Shipping/Packaging/Marking
Other: Part Number Change
Sites Affected:
All site(s) Not applicable ON Semiconductor site(s) External Foundry/Subcon site(s)
Select site:
Select site:
Description and Purpose:
On Semiconductor acquired Fairchild Semiconductor on September 19
, 2016. As part of the integration, it is
necessary to change some of the Fairchild orderable part numbers to meet ON Semiconductor’s system
requirements. Since the product management systems do not have the ability to manage part nomenclature that
utilizes an underscore (_), the underscore (_) in the Fairchild part numbers will be changed to a dash (-).
The orderable part numbers that will change are on the Affected Parts List attached to this Product Change Notice.
This change will be effective at system integration, which is currently scheduled for Monday, October 30th, 2017.
Until that time, customers must continue to order the current part numbers as they do today, through the Fairchild
ordering system. More information regarding the October 30th system integration will be provided to customers
beginning in July. If customers have questions regarding the system integration please email the questions to
ON Semiconductor will be modifying all datasheets associated with the former Fairchild products to incorporate the
new orderable part number changes by the PCN effective date.
Reliability Data Summary:
Not applicable for this change.
Electrical Characteristic Summary:

FCH041N65EF-F155 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
66 页 / 0.58 MByte
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
52 页 / 0.26 MByte

FCH041N65 数据手册

ON Semiconductor(安森美)
FCH041N65EF-F155 管装
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
FCH041N65EFL4: 功率 MOSFET,N 沟道,SUPERFET? II,FRFET?,650 V,76 A,41 mΩ,TO-247 4L
FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR  FCH041N65EF_F155  功率场效应管, MOSFET, N沟道, 76 A, 650 V, 0.036 ohm, 10 V, 5 V 新
SuperFET® 和 SuperFET® II N 通道 MOSFET,Fairchild SemiconductorFairchild 使用超级结技术增加了 SuperFET® II 高电压功率 MOSFET 系列。 它提供最佳坚固主体二极管性能,适用于要求高功率密度、系统效率和可靠性的交流-直流开关模式电源 (SMPS) 应用,如服务器、电信、计算、工业电源、UPS/ESS、太阳能逆变器和照明应用。 利用先进的电荷平衡技术,设计人员可实现更高效经济的高性能解决方案,可占用更少板空间并提高可靠性。### MOSFET 晶体管,Fairchild SemiconductorFairchild 提供大量 MOSFET 设备组合,包括高电压 (&gt;250V) 低电压 (Fairchild MOSFET 通过降低电压峰值和过冲提供极佳的设计可靠性,以减少结电容和反向恢复电荷,无需额外外部元件即可保持系统启动和运行更长时间。
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor(安森美)
ON Semiconductor SuperFET II 系列 Si N沟道 MOSFET FCH041N65F_F155, 76 A, Vds=650 V, 3引脚 TO-247封装
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