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User manual Rev. 5.5 — 21 December 2016 3 of 523
NXP Semiconductors
LPC11U3x/2x/1x User manual
5.2 20140331 Modifications:
Part LPC11U22FBD48/301 added.
Use of IAP mode with power profiles clarified. Use power profiles in default mode when
executing IAP commands. See Section 20.14 “IAP commands” and Section 5.3.
Section 5.3 added to clarify use of power profiles.
Watchdog interrupt flag polarity corrected: This flag is cleared by writing a 1 to the
WDINT bit in the MOD register (Section 17.8.1 “Watchdog mode register”).
Figure 69 “Boot process flowchart” corrected.
Table 15 “Internal resonant crystal control register (IRCCTRL, address 0x4004 8028) bit
description” added.
Remark added to Section “Wake-up from Deep-sleep mode” and
Section “Wake-up from Power-down mode”: After wake-up, reprogram the clock
source for the main clocks.
Pin description tables for RESET/PIO0_0 updated: In deep power-down mode, this pin
must be pulled HIGH externally. The RESET pin can be left unconnected or be used as
a GPIO pin if an external RESET function is not needed. See Chapter 8
“LPC11U3x/2x/1x Pin configuration”.
Pin description notes relating to open-drain I2C-bus pins updated for clarity. Chapter 8
“LPC11U3x/2x/1x Pin configuration”.
Pin description of the WAKEUP pin updated for clarity. Chapter 8 “LPC11U3x/2x/1x Pin
5.1 20131220 Modifications:
Reset value of the SYSAHBCLKCTRL register corrected. See Table 5.
Reserved function added to IOCON pin configuration registers PIO0_8 and PIO0_9.
See Table 69 and Table 70.
Changed title to “LPC11U3x/2x/1x User manual”.
5 20131120 Modifications:
Table 121 “GPIO pins available” corrected.
Table 343 “ISP entry pins for different boot loader versions” added.
Bit description of the SLEEPDEEP bit corrected in Table 53 “Power control register
(PCON, address 0x4003 8000) bit description”.
Part LPC11U37HFBD64/401 added.
API pointer structure updated in Figure 73, Figure 10, and Figure 19.
Power Profiles API pointer definitions corrected. See Section 5.4.
Chapter 23 “LPC11U3x/2x/1x I/O Handler” added.
Revision history
Rev Date Description

LPC11U24FHI33/301, 数据手册

74 页 / 1.76 MByte
523 页 / 3.72 MByte
521 页 / 3.54 MByte

LPC11U24 数据手册

恩智浦微控制器选型指南 NXP Microcontrollers Selection Guide
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