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April 2013 Doc ID 11967 Rev 6 1/5
Raisonance’s in-circuit debugger/programmer
for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and STR9
Data brief
In-circuit debugging and programming
Connection to application board via JTAG,
SWD, ST SWIM or ICC interface
USB interface to host PC
Powered from USB
The RLink (STX-RLINK) is Raisonance’s
versatile, low-cost, in-circuit debugger and
programmer for a complete range of
STMicroelectronics microcontrollers (STM8, ST7,
STM32, STR7 and STR9). It connects to
application or evaluation boards for in-circuit
programming and debugging via an industry
standard JTAG-SWD connection for ARM
based microcontrollers, via STMicroelectronics’
SWIM connection for STM8, or via an in-circuit
communication (ICC) connection for ST7
microcontrollers. ST72Cxxxx devices are not
The RLink, driven by Raisonance’s Ride7
integrated development environment provides
both unlimited in-circuit debugging and
programming of applications for STM8 and ST7.
The RLink allows in-circuit debugging of STM32,
STR7 and STR9 MCUs with debug code limitation
up to 1/2 the size of the device Flash if Flash is
less than or equal to 64 Kbytes, or up to 64
Kbytes if Flash is more than 64 Kbytes.
In combination with Raisonance’s free RFlasher7
programming software, RLink can also be used
as a very-low cost, dedicated in-circuit
programmer for STM8, ST7, STM32, STR7 and
STR9 microcontrollers.
Complete software tool sets are provided by
download at www.raisonance.com.
The RLink does not include trace support for
ARM® core-based devices with Embedded Trace
Macrocell™ such as STR9.

STM32L052K8U3TR 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
134 页 / 1.9 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
5 页 / 0.18 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
4 页 / 0.04 MByte

STM32L052K8U3 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
ARM Cortex-M0 32MHz 闪存:64K@x8bit RAM:8KB
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
STMICROELECTRONICS  STM32L052K8U3TR  微控制器, 32位, ARM 皮质-M0, 32 MHz, 64 KB, 8 KB, 32 引脚, UFQFPN
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