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STX-RLINK Ride7 integrated development environment
Doc ID 11967 Rev 6 3/5
Ride7 integrated development environment
All packages include:
Free downloads of evaluation versions from www.support-raisonance.com
Free RFlasher7 programming software
Color syntax highlighting editor
Project manager
High-level language debugging
Ride7 for STM32, STR7 and STR9 (Ride7 and RKit-ARM Lite)
GNU C/C++ toolset for ARM
SIMICE simulator
Available in free evaluation version that includes the unlimited GNU C/C++ compiler.
Debugging of supported ARM core-based 32-bit devices limited to up to 1/2 the size of
the device Flash if Flash is less than or equal to 64 Kbytes, or up to 64 Kbytes if Flash
is more than 64 Kbytes. For an unlimited debugging of ARM
core-based MCUs, RKit-
ARM Lite license can be upgraded to the RKit-ARM Enterprise license (see
Ride7 for STM8 and ST7 (Ride7 and RKit-STM8 Lite)
Raisonance STM8/ST7 C compiler: free version with output limitation to 2 Kbytes (RKit-
STM8 Basic license); compiling more than 2 Kbytes of code requires the RKit-STM8
Lite or the Enterprise license. See www.raisonance.com for more information.
SIMICE simulator
RBuilder application builder for quick, easy configuration of peripherals and generation
of associated application source code (requires use of a C compiler).
Supports CodeCompressor, Raisonance’s optional post-link code optimizer. Applies
optimizations such as inlining, factorization and peepholing.
Available in free evaluation version with unlimited debugging.
Ordering information
Raisonance development tools can be ordered from Raisonance or from your nearest ST
Distributor or sales office.
When ordering the RLink from ST, use the STX-RLINK order code.
For more information, documentation and downloads, refer to www.raisonance.com. For
supported microcontrollers, refer to www.raisonance.com or the STMicroelectronics
microcontroller support site, www.st.com/mcu.

STM32L052K8U3TR 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
134 页 / 1.9 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
5 页 / 0.18 MByte
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
4 页 / 0.04 MByte

STM32L052K8U3 数据手册

ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
ARM Cortex-M0 32MHz 闪存:64K@x8bit RAM:8KB
ST Microelectronics(意法半导体)
STMICROELECTRONICS  STM32L052K8U3TR  微控制器, 32位, ARM 皮质-M0, 32 MHz, 64 KB, 8 KB, 32 引脚, UFQFPN
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