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Datasheet 搜索 > Flash芯片 > Spansion(飞索半导体) > S29GL032N90TFI040 数据手册 > S29GL032N90TFI040 数据手册 4/83 页
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Document Number: 001-98525 Rev. *A Page 4 of 83
S29GL064N, S29GL032N
Table of Contents
Distinctive Characteristics .................................................. 2
General Description ............................................................. 3
1. Product Selector Guide............................................... 5
2. Block Diagram.............................................................. 5
3. Connection Diagrams.................................................. 6
4. Pin Descriptions......................................................... 10
5. Logic Symbols ........................................................... 11
6. Ordering Information–S29GL032N........................... 13
7. Ordering Information–S29GL064N........................... 15
7.1 Valid Combinations...................................................... 15
8. Device Bus Operations.............................................. 16
8.1 Word/Byte Configuration.............................................. 16
8.2 Requirements for Reading Array Data......................... 16
8.3 Writing Commands/Command Sequences.................. 17
8.4 Standby Mode.............................................................. 18
8.5 Automatic Sleep Mode................................................. 18
8.6 RESET#: Hardware Reset Pin..................................... 18
8.7 Output Disable Mode................................................... 18
8.8 Autoselect Mode.......................................................... 28
8.9 Advanced Sector Protection........................................ 30
8.10 Lock Register............................................................... 30
8.11 Persistent Sector Protection ........................................ 31
8.12 Password Sector Protection......................................... 33
8.13 Password and Password Protection Mode Lock Bit .... 33
8.14 Persistent Protection Bit Lock (PPB Lock Bit).............. 34
8.15 Secured Silicon Sector Flash Memory Region ............ 34
8.16 Write Protect (WP#/ACC) ............................................ 35
8.17 Hardware Data Protection............................................ 35
9. Common Flash Memory Interface (CFI)................... 36
10. Command Definitions................................................ 40
10.1 Reading Array Data ..................................................... 40
10.2 Reset Command.......................................................... 40
10.3 Autoselect Command Sequence ................................. 41
10.4 Enter/Exit Secured Silicon Sector
Command Sequence................................................... 41
10.5 Program Suspend/Program Resume
Command Sequence................................................... 45
10.6 Chip Erase Command Sequence ................................ 46
10.7 Sector Erase Command Sequence ............................. 47
10.8 Erase Suspend/Erase Resume Commands................ 49
10.9 Command Definitions................................................... 50
10.10Write Operation Status................................................ 55
10.11DQ7: Data# Polling...................................................... 55
10.12RY/BY#: Ready/Busy# ................................................ 56
10.13DQ6: Toggle Bit I......................................................... 57
10.14DQ2: Toggle Bit II........................................................ 58
10.15Reading Toggle Bits DQ6/DQ2 ................................... 59
10.16DQ5: Exceeded Timing Limits..................................... 59
10.17DQ3: Sector Erase Timer............................................ 59
10.18DQ1: Write-to-Buffer Abort.......................................... 59
11. Absolute Maximum Ratings....................................... 60
12. Operating Ranges....................................................... 61
13. DC Characteristics...................................................... 62
14. Test Conditions........................................................... 63
14.1 Key to Switching Waveforms........................................ 63
15. AC Characteristics...................................................... 64
16. Erase And Programming Performance..................... 73
17. Physical Dimensions.................................................. 75
17.1 TS048—48-Pin Standard Thin Small
Outline Package (TSOP).............................................. 75
17.2 TS056—56-Pin Standard Thin Small
Outline Package (TSOP).............................................. 76
17.3 VBK048—Ball Fine-pitch Ball
Grid Array (BGA) 8.15x 6.15 mm Package................... 77
17.4 LAA064—64-Ball Fortified Ball
Grid Array (BGA) 13 x 11 mm Package........................ 78
17.5 LAE064-64-Ball Fortified Ball
Grid Array (BGA) 9 x 9 mm Package............................ 79
18. Revision History.......................................................... 80

S29GL032N90TFI040 数据手册

83 页 / 1.02 MByte
83 页 / 1.02 MByte

S29GL032N90 数据手册

SPANSION  S29GL032N90TFI040  闪存, 32 Mbit, 4M x 8位 / 2M x 16位, CFI, TSOP, 48 引脚
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
GL-N 系列 32 M (4 M x 8/2 M x 16) 3.6 V 页面模式 闪存 - TSOP-8
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
GL-N 系列 32 M (4 M x 8/2 M x 16) 3.6 V 页面模式 闪存 - TSOP-8
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
S29GL03N 系列 32 Mb (4M x 8, 2M x 16) 3 V 90 ns 闪存-NOR 存储器 - BGA-48
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
GL-N 系列 32 M (4M x 8, 2M x 16) 3.6 V 表面贴装 闪存 - TSOP-56
SPANSION  S29GL032N90BFI040  芯片, 闪存存储器, 32MB, 90NS, 48-BGA
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
闪存, MirrorBit架构, 并行NOR, 32 Mbit, 4M x 8位, CFI, 并行, FBGA, 64 引脚
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
闪存, 并行NOR, 32 Mbit, 4M x 8位, 并行, BGA, 64 引脚
Cypress Semiconductor(赛普拉斯)
闪存, MirrorBit架构, 并行NOR, 32 Mbit, 4M x 8位, CFI, 并行, TSOP, 56 引脚
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