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UG-045 Evaluation Board User Guide
Rev. 0 | Page 6 of 32
In this mode, the AD1938 ADC port generates BCLK and
LRCLK when given a valid MCLK.
For full flexibility of the AD1938, the part can be put in SPI
control mode and programmed with the Automated Register
Window Builder application (see Figure 4 for the appropriate
jumper settings). Changing the registers and setting the DIP
switches allow many possible configurations. In the various
master and slave modes, the AD1938 takes MCLK from a
selected source and can be set to generate or receive either
BCLK or LRCLK to or from either the ADC or the DAC port,
depending on the settings and requirements.
As an example, to set the ADC port as master, switch the ADC
Control 2 register bits for BCLK and LRCLK to master, and
change S2, Position 2 and Position 5, to on. In this mode, the
board is configured so that the ADC BCLK and LRCLK pins are
the clock source for both the ADC destination and the DAC
data source. For the DAC port to be the master, the DAC
Control 1 register bits for BCLK and LRCLK must be changed
to master, and S2, Position 2 and Position 3, and S2, Position 5
and Position 6, must all be on. On this evaluation board, these
settings allow the master port on the AD1938 to drive both the
S/PDIF and the HDR connections. Many combinations of master
and slave are possible (see Figure 15 and Figure 16 for the correct
S/PDIF Audio
The settings shown in Figure 15 and Figure 16 show the details
of clock routing and control for both the ADC and DAC ports.
The board is shipped with the S/PDIF port selected as the
default; the hex switches are set to 0, and all DIP switches are
set to off. The AD1938 is shipped in standalone mode (see
Figure 2); the BCLK and LRCLK signals run from the S/PDIF
receiver to the ADC and DAC ports of the AD1938.
In this default configuration, the DAC audio path routes the
S/PDIF audio signal to all four stereo AD1938 DSDATA inputs
simultaneously. The rotary switch, S4, allows the user to select
individual stereo pairs for transmission of the analog signal.
Position 0 is the default; Position 1 through Position 4 allow the
S/PDIF input signal to be assigned to Pair 1 to Pair 4, respectively.
Also in this default configuration, the IN1 analog is routed through
the AD1938 ADC ASDATA1 path to the S/PDIF output. IN2 is
selected by changing the S3 DIP switch, Position 8, from 0 to 1.
HDR ConnectorsSerial Audio
Routing of serial audio to and from the HDR1 connector is con-
trolled by DIP S3, Position 6 and Position 7, and Rotary S4. For
the DAC audio signal path, S4, Position 8, assigns the data
signal coming into HDR1 DSDATA1 to all four DSDATA ports
on the AD1938. S4, Position 9, assigns the HDR1 labeled ports
to the associated port on the AD1938.
Other Options
It is possible to mute all data going to the DSDATA ports of the
AD1938 by selecting S4, Position 7. This shows the SNR of the
To use other f
rates, the USBi must be connected and the
AD1938 registers must be programmed accordingly. For
example, adjusting the f
rate to 96 kHz requires that the ADC
and DAC Control 0 registers have sample rates set to 96 kHz
(see Figure 15 and Figure 16 for the complete list of options).
The CPLD code is presented in the CPLD Code section and is
included with the evaluation board; alterations and additions to
the functionality of the CPLD are possible by altering the code
and reprogramming the CPLD.

AD1938WBSTZ 数据手册

32 页 / 0.45 MByte
32 页 / 1.76 MByte
20 页 / 0.77 MByte
10 页 / 0.87 MByte
5 页 / 0.08 MByte

AD1938 数据手册

4 ADC / DAC 8与PLL , 192千赫, 24位编解码器 4 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit CODEC
ANALOG DEVICES  AD1938WBSTZ  音频编解码器, AEC-Q100, 立体声, 4, 8, -40 °C, 105 °C, 192 kSPS
ANALOG DEVICES  AD1938YSTZ  音频编解码器, 音频, 4, 8, -40 °C, 105 °C, 192 kSPS
4 ADC / DAC 8与PLL , 192千赫, 24位编解码器 4 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit Codec
4 ADC / DAC 8与PLL , 192千赫, 24位编解码器 4 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24-Bit CODEC
4 ADC / DAC 8与PLL , 192千赫, 24位编解码器 4 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24 Bit CODEC
4 ADC / DAC 8与PLL , 192千赫, 24位编解码器 4 ADC/8 DAC with PLL, 192 kHz, 24 Bit CODEC
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